Undergraduate nursing profiles
- Bachelor of NursingNursing is a career in which your professional and personal development never ends.
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise ManagementI wanted to educate myself about the industry for my own benefit and for that of my children.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyThe most rewarding aspect of the course are the continuity of care experiences.
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise ScienceStudying this course has been very rewarding because I am able to learn about what I want to learn.
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Honours)This is what drives me: being able to help others in achieving their goals.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyWe are so lucky that they are willing to share this special time with students like us.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyIt is truly an honour and privilege to be part of a woman’s pregnancy and birth.
- Bachelor of NursingYou have the ability to make a real, positive difference to people.
- Bachelor of NursingSince studying a nursing degree, I've begun to see life from a new perspective.
- Bachelor of Forensic ScienceUTS science allowed me to completely understand what it means to be a scientist.