Undergraduate nursing profiles
- Bachelor of Environmental BiologyDon't stress! Uni can be hard work, there's no doubt about it, but it's also fantastic fun.
- Bachelor of Molecular Biotechnology Bachelor of BusinessThere’s plenty of real research going on at UTS which is inspiring to be around.
- Bachelor of Science Bachelor of BusinessIt’s really fun, especially when you begin to make friends that are in the same major as you
- Bachelor of Marine Biology and Climate ChangeIt's great to meet other people who are passionate about the same things as you
- Bachelor of Advanced Science Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and InnovationI love the focus on innovation, entrepreneurship and community that UTS has.
- Bachelor of NursingNurses are an essential part of the healthcare system.
- Bachelor of NursingI’m determined to make the most out of my nursing career, whatever direction it will take me.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyGo for it! It’s not an easy road, but incredibly rewarding if you are passionate about it.
- Bachelor of Public HealthThere’s a vibrant energy and diverse subjects with current information and evidence used in lessons
- Bachelor of MidwiferyUTS has a wonderful reputation for being practical