Hannah Tooley
It’s really fun, especially when you begin to make friends that are in the same major as you
What degree you are currently studying?
I'm currently in my 5th year of a Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business (started in 2014)
What is your major?
Biomedical Science, Management
What motivated you to study this degree/major?
I have always had a love for science and always knew I was going to study a science degree at university. I combined it with a business degree to stand out to employers amongst other graduates.
What do you enjoy most about your degree?
I have had some really intelligent and inspiring teachers throughout my degree. Particularly in science, a lot of the content the demonstrators and lecturers teach, is their own area of research and their knowledge extends far beyond the syllabus.
Why did you choose to study at UTS?
UTS is really flexible! I have worked many different jobs whilst studying and have always been able to move my timetable around to fit in with different working hours. I also completed an internship through UTS and was able to do my labs at night because they offered a night time lab option.
What is it like to study at UTS Science?
It’s really fun, especially when you begin to make friends that are in the same cohort and major as you. You begin to see the same people in your classes every semester and it makes it really fun studying together.
What advice you would give to students studying this degree?
Make the most of it! You’re paying for some of the world’s best education so take advantage of it.
What would you like to do once you complete your degree?
I would like to continue working in pharmaceuticals at Johnson & Johnson and hopefully get into a medical education role.
What other activities do you participate/do at uni?
International student exchange!! Highly highly highly recommend! It was the most amazing experience of my life.
Tell us something interesting about yourself
I can make really good macaroons!