Find answers to common questions asked by external candidates applying for jobs using UTS iRecruit.
iRecruit advice and support
Registering and using the online account
How do I register for the first time?
Register by following these steps:
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website
- You will see the Login box on the right hand side of the screen
- Click the First Visit? Register today button to start the registration process
I am a current UTS staff member. Why won’t the system let me apply for jobs?
Current UTS staff cannot apply for roles through Job at UTS: iRecruit. If you are a current staff member you need to access iRecruit through your NEO: Employee Self Service account.
Is there a different registration process if I am an ex-employee?
Yes. There is a tailored process designed for ex-employees. Please follow these steps:
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website
- You will see the Register box on the right hand side of the screen
- Click on Previously worked at UTS to complete the registration
Will my information be held securely?
UTS takes the privacy of your information seriously. For a copy of the UTS Privacy Statement, please email the Client Services team.
What document formats will the system accept?
The system will accept .doc, .docx, .txt. .rtf and .pdf documents.
What is the largest file size the system will accept?
The system will accept documents up to 20MB.
Why have I been asked by a UTS manager to activate my account, so they can offer me an appointment?
Except for Casual Academics, all casual, fixed term or continuing appointments are now processed through iRecruit. A manager cannot complete the appointment process unless you have registered in iRecruit.
Searching and applying for a job
How do I log into my account?
To login to your iRecruit My Account follow the steps below.
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website
- On the right-hand side of the iRecruit Home page you will see the Login box
- Enter your email and iRecruit password and click the Login button.
I have forgotten my password. What do I do?
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website
- On the right-hand side of the iRecruit Home page you will see the Login box
- Click on the TIP: Did you forget your password link at the bottom of the box and follow the instructions.
I am unable to log into my account, what should I do?
If you have checked your password is correct and still cannot log in, please email the Recruitment Team.
I have already registered but how do I search and apply for jobs?
To search and apply for jobs follow the steps below.
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website
- On the right hand side of the iRecruit Home page you will see the Login box. Enter your email and iRecruit password and click the Login button
- Click on New Jobs (Last 7 days) or Search for Jobs under the Quick Links section at the top right-hand side of your iRecruit Home page.
Do I have to register to search for jobs?
You do not have to register to search for jobs. You can either use the basic search fields on the iRecruit Home page to search for available jobs or for more refined searches click on the search job links under the Welcome to UTS heading.
How do I search for a job by reference number or job title?
Enter the vacancy reference number or job title into the Keyword search field and click Go. Use the other search fields to further refine your search by other criteria such as the date posted or job category.
I receive an error message when attempting to open the Position Description attachment
iRecruit may not be being accessed as a Trusted Site. To enable the Trusted Site access use the following steps:
- Click Tools > Internet Options
- Select the Security tab
- Click the Trusted sites icon
Click the Sites button On the Trusted sites window:
- Untick the Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone if it is ticked only
- In the box below Add this website to the zone: type the following *
- Click Add
Close all dialog boxes, this should allow access to all UTS-hosted websites as trusted websites. Alternatively please clear the temporary internet files (internet cache) on your machine.
Can I apply for a vacancy before I have activated my account?
To apply for a Vacancy you must activate your iRecruit My Account and accept the terms of use before starting the application process.
What if I don't accept the Privacy Statement or agree to the use of my personal details and application history for UTS recruitment activities?
If you do not accept the Privacy Statement or agree to the use of your personal details and application history for UTS recruitment activities you will be unable to continue in the appointment process.
What document formats will iRecruit accept?
The system will accept .doc, .docx, .txt. .rtf and .pdf documents.
What is the largest file size iRecruit will accept?
The system will accept documents up to 20MB.
I want to change or add a document to an application I have already submitted. How do I do this?
Once you have submitted your application, it can longer be changed in iRecruit. To discuss this further email the Recruitment Team.
How do I withdraw my application?
To withdraw your application complete the following steps:
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website
- On the right-hand side of the iRecruit Home page you will see the Login box
- Enter your email and iRecruit password and click the Login button
- On your iRecruit home screen identifying the role you wish to withdraw from under the Jobs Applied For section
- Click on the Applications Detail icon at the end of the row and click on the Withdraw Application button
- Confirmation of your withdrawal will display at the top of the page
Logging in and updating your account
I have already registered, how do I login to my iRecruit account?”
To login to your iRecruit account, follow the steps below:
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website
- On the right-hand side of the iRecruit Home page you will see the Login box
- Enter your email and iRecruit password and click the Login button
I have forgotten my password. What do I do?
To login to your iRecruit account, follow the steps below:
- Click on the Search Jobs tab on Jobs at UTS website
- On the right-hand side of the iRecruit Home page you will see the Login box
- Enter your email and iRecruit password and click the Login button.
I am unable to log into my account, what should I do?
If you have checked your password is correct and still cannot log in, email the Recruitment Team.
I have changed my email address, what do I do?
Email the Recruitment Team to reset your email.
Can I change my personal details?
Yes, log in to your account and click the My Account link at the top left-hand side of the screen to edit your account details.
I want to add/delete a document to my iRecruit account profile. How do I do this?
To add or remove documents from your iRecruit account follow the steps below:
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website and you will see the Login box on the right-hand side of the screen. Enter your email and password and click the Login button
- Click on the My Account link – you can find this at the top left-hand side of the screen next to the General link
- Scroll down the page to the Resume & Additional Documents and use the Add Another Document button or Delete icon to make the required changes.
I need to update my Employment History or Qualifications. How do I do this?
To update your Employment History or Qualifications follow the steps below:
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website and you will see the Login box on the right-hand side of the screen. Enter your email and password and click the Login button
- Click on the My Account – link you can find this at the top left-hand side of the screen next to the General link
- Click on the Qualification & Employment History tab.
- Click on the Add Another Employer or Add a Qualification buttons to insert new information.
- Click on the Delete icons at the end of each row to remove information.
Job alerts
Can I set up an email alert so I can be notified of new jobs?
To set up email job alerts follow the steps below:
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website and you will see the Login box on the right-hand side of the screen. Enter your email and password and click the Login button
- Click on the My Account link at the top left of the screen
- Click on the Preferences tab
- Scroll down to the Want to Find the Right Job section
- Use the keywords and frequency options to tailor alerts to your individual requirements.
- Click the Save button to submit the change to your Preferences
How do I unsubscribe from job alerts I have set up?
You can unsubscribe at any time:
- Click on the Home tab on Jobs at UTS website and you will see the Login box on the right-hand side of the screen. Enter your email and password and click the Login button
- Click on the My Account link at the top left of the screen
- Click on the Preferences tab
- Scroll down to the Want to Find the Right Job section
- Uncheck the Receive emails of Matching Jobs tickbox
- Click the Save button to submit the change to your Preferences.
What do I do when I receive an error message?
If you repeatedly receive an error message, please email the Recruitment Team to discuss the issue, and they will direct you to the area that can help you resolve the issue.
I have a different question
If your question isn't covered here, please email the Recruitment Team