The main University switchboard for all campuses can be reached during business hours (9.00-5.00 Mon – Fri) on 9514 2000.
Within the UTS phone network all extensions can be dialled directly using the last four digits of the number. When dialling externally you need to prefix the extension number with 9514.
Staff Card and Library access
Your UTS Staff Card provides you with swipe card access to buildings and serves as your Library Access Card. It also allows you to establish that you are a staff member for the purposes of equipment use and the use of facilities. Staff can obtain a UTS Staff Card from any Student Centre. You will need to show photo ID and enter your Staff ID number. More information about getting a staff card (staff login).
Activating UTS Email and setting up multi-factor authentication (MFA)
An email account is automatically generated for you when your contract is processed. You will receive an email to your personal inbox titled "UTS - Set your account password", asking you to activate your UTS account. It is essential that you activate your account before using any UTS systems.
After you have activated your UTS account, before you can access UTS systems, you will need to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA protects your account from unauthorised access and gives you secure and easy access to multiple UTS applications using single sign-on. Go to to set up your MFA.
You should be aware that forwarding UTS emails to a non-University address often means they are filtered through SPAM or Junk Mail so they may fail to reach your forwarded email address. You may wish to check that your UTS emails are being forwarded successfully and, if not, take action accordingly.
If your students have difficulties with their email accounts, they should contact the ITU Service Desk on +61 2 9514 2222.
Teaching and Learning policies
There are a range of learning and teaching policies that are relevant to teaching, tutoring, demonstrating and marking at UTS. Some of the key learning and teaching policies casual academics need to be familiar with include:
Assessment: 'Policy for the Assessment of Coursework Subjects' and the accompanying 'Procedures for the Assessment of Coursework Subjects': which contains "a clear, concise and consistent description of procedures that apply to all faculties, units and students involved in the assessment of coursework subjects at the University." (GSU)
English Language: Details of the academic language knowledge and skills required at UTS, "in order to meet the requirements of the graduate profile all students need to acquire specific academic language skills during their studies" (GSU).
Links to the Learning and Teaching policies are below:
Resources for your students
UTS provides a wide range of study resources to assist your students. The Student Services Unit (SSU) also provides comprehensive professional services for students including:
- Student Services: Careers; Counselling; Financial Assistance; Health; Housing; Multi-faith chaplaincy; Special needs; News and Events; and
- Student Programs: Network Cafe; U:PASS; Peer Network; Orientation; Residential Networker; in-fusion festival; Working Solutions.
Students with disabilities or ongoing illness
Every academic staff member at UTS has legislative responsibilities under the Federal Disability Discrimination Act, 1992. This means that if a student has approved assessment adjustments or particular classroom requirements, the subject coordinator will liaise with you about how and when to implement them. The faculty Academic Liaison Officer (ALO) may also contact you regarding the student’s needs during semester or, if you wish, you can contact the ALO yourself to discuss these issues. Additional information is also available for academic staff about students with disabilities and ongoing illness (508 k PDF)
AV equipment
Classroom Services and Equipment - for example, overhead projectors, video or other equipment or services can be booked through Audio Visual Services. There is an AVS office on each campus and you can contact the service on 9514 1978.
Safety, security and emergencies
In an emergency dial 6 (from internal phones) or 1800 249 559.
All accidents or incidents at UTS whether requiring medical treatment or not should be reported on an Accident/Incident Report to the Safety and Wellbeing Branch of the People Unit. You can also find copies within the faculty. More information can be found at Safety and Wellbeing.