UTS employs staff across a wide variety of support and academic roles.
Professional staff roles include a diverse range of employment opportunities drawing on many different skills and qualifications. These may include library technicians, maintenance, security, audiovisual technology, IT support, project management, reception and administration.
Academic staff include associate lecturers, lecturers, senior lecturers, associate professors and professors.
Application process
Applications must arrive by the Closing Date specified in the advertisement.
If a formal Closing Date and/or Time is not specified, then you should respond as soon as possible as this advertisement may be removed without notice.
If the Closing Date has passed, a decision on the acceptance of a late application rests with the Selection Committee Convenor, who will take into account relevant factors when making a decision. Typically, a late application will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances.
As part of your application you will be asked to submit a number of documents (eg Resume, Selection Criteria response, Cover Letter). Please follow the instructions in the job advertisement where the documents required will be stipulated.
Please ensure that only documents relating to the specific vacancy for which you are applying are uploaded with your application. Documents that relate to any previous or concurrent application should not be submitted. Please ensure that you retain a separate copy of any such documents prior to deletion.
Right to work in Australia
In order to be employed in Australia, you are legally required to have what is referred to as 'right to work'.
All staff employed by UTS must have the right to work in Australia.
Australian and New Zealand citizens automatically have the right to work in Australia, as well as Australian Permanent Residents.
Everyone else is required to hold a current visa with work rights in order to gain employment in Australia.
It is illegal for UTS to employ or pay a staff member who does not have the right to work in Australia. If you do not provide the right to work documentation, UTS cannot employ you.
For detailed information on the right to work in Australia, refer to the Department of Home Affairs.
What documents prove I have the right to work in Australia?
The following list are acceptable documents as evidence of right to work in Australia:
- an Australian birth certificate (if born before 20 August 1986) and a form of photo ID
- an Australian birth certificate (if born on or after 20 August 1986), a form of photo ID and evidence that at least one parent was an Australian citizen or permanent resident at the time of the child's birth
- an Australian citizenship certificate
- a valid Australian or New Zealand passport
- a valid foreign passport and evidence of permanent resident status
- a valid foreign passport and evidence of temporary visa with entitlement to work.
Please note, where the document does not contain photo ID, we will also ask you to provide documentation containing a photo ID in order to verify your identity.
The following examples are NOT acceptable as proof of Right to Work: an Australian driver’s licence, bank cards or statements, utility bills, marriage certificates, Medicare card, information obtained from VEVO.
If you are unable to provide evidence of your right to work in Australia, you will need to provide written permission for UTS to verify your right to work status with the Department of Home Affairs.
Your resume (also known as curriculum vitae or CV) should include a number of key sections, with the following examples:
- personal details (name, address, contact details, home and other contact telephone numbers)
- education, training and qualifications (including professional and academic qualifications)
- professional memberships
- positions held, including duties and responsibilities, major achievements, skills and/or experience gained. List positions held in reverse chronological order, with the current/most recent position listed first. Indicate dates (and job grading if appropriate) in order that the Selection Panel are able to identify the period your experience covers.
- referees: your referees should be able to provide comment on your employment and work performance specifically in relation to the Selection Criteria
- for academic appointments, you will need to include additional information, eg current and proposed research interests, courses taught and students supervised, contributions to your academic field.
Selection criteria
It is essential to demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the position as identified both in the advertisement and the Position Description. Positions advertised at UTS have Selection Criteria that you must address as part of your job application.
Selection Criteria are specific requirements (skills, attributes, knowledge, qualifications and experience) that a person needs to successfully carry out the particular job.
Response to the Selection Criteria may be requested in a separate document or addressed within the content of your resume (and/or Cover Letter). Please follow the application instructions in the advertisement.
At UTS, the Selection Committee is required to assess each applicant on merit in terms of how well their application meets the Selection Criteria. Ensure you highlight how your qualifications, skills, knowledge and experience meet each of the specific Selection Criteria.
Addressing the selection criteria
There are a number of steps you can take when you are preparing your response to the Selection Criteria:
- before you start, make sure you understand the selection criteria. Contact the Hiring Manager if you are unclear about any of the criteria (contact details will typically be included in the advert).
- remember to include your name, title of the document (eg Statement Addressing Selection Criteria), name of position and reference number
- address each selection criterion separately
- use each criterion as a heading, reflecting the exact wording used on the UTS document, eg 'An understanding of project management principles'
- list the criteria in the same order as they are listed in the UTS position description
- under each heading write one or two short examples explaining how you meet that particular criterion, giving examples of where you have used a particular skill or knowledge in the past
- give specific, evidence-based examples rather than making general statements.
Note: not all positions ask you to address Selection Criteria. Refer to the application procedure outlined in the advertisement to double check what is required for the position.
Submitting your documents
When applying for a vacancy you will be given the opportunity to attach your resume and Selection Criteria response (as well as any Cover Letter). You should attach your documents at this point.
Only documents relating to the specific vacancy for which you are applying should be uploaded with your application. Documents that relate to any previous or concurrent application should be deleted prior to submission.
Selection process
Appointments to positions within UTS are made on the basis of the applicant's merit in relation to the specific position selection criteria. Merit consists of the abilities, qualifications, experience, standards of work performance and personal abilities that are relevant to performance of the duties of a position.
Applications will be considered by a selection committee. If your application for the role is shortlisted, you will be contacted to arrange an interview date and time. To prepare for the interview, review the position description and selection criteria and prepare examples illustrating your ability to address the key requirements of the role.
If you are called for interview, please notify the person contacting you if you require special arrangements.
If you are not successful on this occasion, you will be sent an email to inform you of the decision.
Equal opportunity observers on selection panels
Observers from the Equity and Diversity Unit can participate in selection, promotion and salary supplementation panels at UTS to advise panel members on:
- process, including equity responsibilities
- policy
- equity issues, such as advice on adjustments for people with disabilities and equal opportunity rights.
Observers participate at the request of the convenor or the applicant. To request the attendance of an observer, contact:
- Equity and Diversity Unit: phone (02) 9514 1084 or email equity@uts.edu.au, or
- the People Unit: recruitment@uts.edu.au.
For further information
The contact person mentioned in the online job advertisement can provide more information about the position. Before completing your application, you may wish to telephone and/or email the contact person to discuss job requirements in greater detail or ask relevant questions to assist you in compiling your application.