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Collaborative Doctoral Research Degree Program

Why you may be interested in this program 

If you are:

  • tackling a global problem
  • studying a problem that is localised to an area outside of Australia, or
  • looking to build international partnerships. 

Pursue a PhD across UTS and a global institution with access to expert supervision and world-class facilities. With the Collaborative Doctoral Research Degree Program, you’ll get international experience and be able to take advantage of UTS’s strong industry and international partner networks. 
You’ll divide your time between UTS and one of our global partners and be jointly supervised by prominent academics from both institutions.  


Research structure

Research topic: You’ll work with your supervisor and faculties at both institutions to agree on a research topic. 

Location: You’ll spend a minimum of one year at each institution, without adding time to your degree. Your plan about where you’ll study should be summarised in your research timeline as part of your application and supported by your panel of supervisors.  

Standard duration:  4 years (full-time) 
Degree type: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  
Deliverables: Your project deliverables will be agreed with your supervisors and faculties from both institutions. It doesn’t need to be a stand-alone thesis, it could be a practice-led output that sits alongside a written analysis. 

International partner universities

We have established agreements with a number of international partner universities across Asia, the Americas and Europe. Many of these agreements are with institutions that are also Key Technology Partners (KTP) of UTS.  

Collaborative Research Program checklist

If your home university is UTS, please contact the Graduate Research School to discuss your collaborative research plan. 
If your home university is one of UTS's international partner universities and you would like to undertake this program, you need to apply to do a PhD. 

Find a supervisor

Find supervisors at UTS with similar research interests to you.

Check your eligibility

Check the eligibility criteria for a PhD. Talk to us for advice and information on current agreements.

Confirm your funding

Learn about the fees and costs associated with your degree.

Pre-approval process

Seek pre-approval from your potential UTS faculty and home institution and prepare your documents.

Gather your documentation

Collate and prepare the relevant document for your application

Submit your application

If you’ve confirmed a supervisor, selected a course, and prepared your documents, it’s time to lodge your research degree application!

Candidate guide

Check out the Collaborative Doctoral Research Degree Candidate Guide.

Framework and conditions

Check out the Collaborative Research Degree framework and conditions.

Timeline template

Check out the Collaborative Research Degree timeline template.

Want more information?