Latoya with young Māori advocates at The construction of the Indigenous Incarcerated Body: Māori & Indigenous Populations and the School to Prison Pipeline symposium
Aotearoa/ New Zealand
In February 2024 Jumbunna researchers were invited to join with leading global Indigenous scholars from Aotearoa/ New Zealand and Hawaii for ‘The construction of the Indigenous Incarcerated Body: Māori & Indigenous Populations and the School to Prison Pipeline’ symposium at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, Aotearoa/ New Zealand. The research event was facilitated by Professor Leonie Pihama and Tū Tama Wāhine o Taranaki, Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan and Pūrangakura, and independent researcher Dr Margie Hohepa. The event was funded by Royal Society Te Apārangi.
Jumbunna researchers Professor Juanita Sherwood and Latoya Aroha Rule presented at the symposium on ‘Embodying ‘winhangarra’ through our work to create safe, accountable, transparent and empowering spaces’. Jumbunna’s panel presentation was facilitated by Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan.