Researchers: Paddy Gibson, Craig Longman
Jumbunna Research has played a central role in focussing public attention on the ongoing removal of Aboriginal children from their homes across Australia by Child Protection agencies. These removals are taking place in numbers unprecedented in Australian history and many Aboriginal families who have experienced such removals describe them as a continuation of the "Stolen Generations" of the 20th Century. Jumbunna has been involved in a number of projects documenting the scale and dynamics of these removals, including the Indigenous Legal Needs Project with James Cook University and the internationally acclaimed documentary film 'Utopia' by John Pilger. We have also provided legal research assistance to many families challenging the removal of their children through the courts. Jumbunna supports the work of the grass-roots advocacy organisation Grandmothers Against Removals (GMAR), formed in 2014 by families affected by child removal, with members across the country. GMAR is calling for Aboriginal control of Aboriginal child welfare and a rapid expansion of resources available for community-led solutions to the social problems often cited as a justification for child removal.
This project has monitored the rising number of removals of Aboriginal children into state care. It has included:
- publication of articles and opinion pieces and radio commentary on the issue
- presentation of conference papers
- support and advice to Grandmothers Against removal
- advocacy for policy change
- support of a test case regarding the liability of the state for child removals in circumstances of fraud or misfeasance.