The Law and Justice Hub has been commissioned by the ACT Government to undertake an Independent Review into the Over-Representation of First Nations People in the ACT Criminal Justice System.
First stage
The first stage of this Review assesses ACT Government progress in implementing the 35 recommendations in the Australian Law Reform Commission’s 2017 Pathways to Justice Report aimed at addressing over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Our findings are set out in a First Report (PDF, 1.8MB), Executive Summary (PDF, 265kB) and accompanying Community Guide (PDF, 253kB).
Second stage
The second stage of the Review will identify strategies and approaches prioritised by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the ACT as likely to reduce overrepresentation in the justice system.
This will be undertaken in consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members and organisations, and non-Aboriginal organisations with First Nations programs and staff (Download Flyer, PDF 78kB). Input will also be provided from ACT Government stakeholders. A Final Report will be published in early 2025.
We are inviting written submissions to Stage 2 of the review, with a suggestion that you consider Stage 2 consultation questions listed below, in your submission.
Stage 2 consultation questions
- What key factors are driving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander over-representation in the ACT? How can these best be addressed?
- Do you have any comments on why imprisonment rates in the ACT are falling for non-Indigenous people, but not for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
- What’s working well at the moment to prevent or limit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contact with the criminal justice system and/or prevent recontact and re-offending? How can this be built on or strengthened?
- What are the main gaps in service provisions and programs?
- What new initiatives or innovations are likely to contribute to reducing over-representation and how might they be progressed?
- What specific law, policy and practice reforms are needed to address over-representation, including around child protection, women and youth justice, policing, courts, prisons, post release support?
- Are there any other comments that you would like to make?
Written Submissions - Stage 2
By sending through your submission, you provide consent for Jumbunna to use it in our Final Report to the ACT Government.
We will identify submission authors in our report, unless you prefer to remain anonymous. Please indicate this preference on the submission itself or by emailing us.
Please email your written submission to by COB 15th November 2025.
For any enquiries, contact us at