This research project was commissioned by NSW Corrective Services. It involved exploratory research into the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with post-release parole supervision and reintegration in NSW. The research focussed on identifying the qualities of the relationship between parole supervisors and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parolees that successfully assisted individuals with reintegration and those aspects of supervision that require improvement.
The evaluation reviewed the relevant literature and used qualitative methods by way of 32 in-depth interviews with parolees, Community Corrections Officers (CCOs) and Aboriginal Client Services Officers (ACSOs) in six community corrections offices and three prisons.
The Final Report, Exploratory research into post-release community integration and supervision: The experiences of Aboriginal people with post-release parole supervision and reintegration in NSW made 23 recommendations for improving parole supervision. The Report was published jointly by Jumbunna Institute and Corrective Services NSW in late 2021 and is available here.