Research reports and manuals from:
- the UTS Institute for Public Policy and Governance (IPPG)
- the UTS Centre for Local Government (CLG),
- and the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG)
We offer specialist advisory and consulting services for councils, government agencies and associated industry and professional bodies. Our work includes transdisciplinary and comparative research about public policy and governance.
2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 and Earlier | Online Resources
2018 |
Strengthening Leaders: Learning and Development Options for Senior Staff in Local Government![]() A new online toolkit and report providing development options for senior leaders and managers in local government has been created by the UTS Institute of Public Policy and Governance on behalf of Local Government NSW, design to strengthen the knowledge, skills and behaviours of those working in the sector. Read the overview |
UTS Institute for Public Policy and Governance Annual Report 2017The UTS Institute for Public Policy & Governance and Centre for Local Government Annual Report 2017 provides highlights of some of our projects and reflects the diversity of the work we undertake, and our commitment to public policy through implementation by advancing knowledge, learning and practice.
Waverley Community Strategic Plan: Community engagement report![]() Waverley Council commissioned the Centre for Local Government at the University of Technology Sydney to engage with its community and obtain feedback to inform its Community Strategic Plan. This report summarises the inputs from the community, non-government organisations, local businesses and councillors. |
The Intrinsic Value of Libraries as Public Spaces: Physical-digital, Communicating the New Normal![]() The second edition of Civica’s Intrinsic Value of Libraries as Public Spaces research series developed in collaboration with the Institute for Public Policy & Governance at the University of Technology Sydney examines the perspectives of both providers and users of library services from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and the United Kingdom. The report paints a positive picture of innovative library practice of the future, and suggests that even though libraries are adopting a hybrid physical-digital model of library service, there is a need to communicate this to the wider community. |
Inclusive Tourism: Economic Opportunities Summary![]() Local Government NSW (LGNSW) commissioned the Institute for Public Policy and Governance at the University of Technology Sydney to explore the potential economic opportunities from the Inclusive Tourism market. |
Inclusive Tourism: Economic Opportunities![]() This report is part of a project implemented by IPPG and Local Government NSW (LGNSW) to enable local governments and tourism operators in regional New South Wales to improve access to their infrastructure, services and products. The project is funded by the NSW Department of Industry and NSW Department of Family and Community Services. |
The Changing Landscape for the Public Sector: The challenges of building digital bridges![]() The Changing Landscape series has been tracking the state of digital transformation in Australia and New Zealand’s public sector for more than three years. This latest report goes a step further and examines the role of leadership in building digital bridges that connect community outcomes and public sector authorities. |
2017 |
The Role of Local Government in Local and Regional Economic Development![]() A new report from the University of Technology Sydney’s Centre for Local Government (UTS CLG) explores the role of local government involvement in local and regional economic development strategies. The report highlights the varying roles and levels of engagement that councils play in regards to leadership, organisation and delivery of local and regional economic development in Australia. |
Local Government and Housing in the 21st Century: The City of Sydney's approach to the supply of affordable housing![]() The City of Sydney has made some progress in the area of affordable housing. However, the affordable housing it has helped provide in the local government area (LGA) remains well short of the desired target. This paper investigates the strategies used by the City of Sydney to increase affordable housing and whether they can be replicated in other council areas. |
People Matter for Local Government: Pilot NSW Survey![]() People Matter is an employee perception survey that is regularly conducted across state government public sectors and provides important information and insights for departments, organisations and sector stakeholders on workplace experiences and employee engagement. The survey offers an opportunity for local government employees to have a say about their workplace and for their ideas to contribute to better working practices and environments. Further work in this area could provide comparisons between state and local government workforces and provide the evidence base for the development of a local government capability framework. |
Walking with Communities: Local Government and Community Responses to Local Area Renewal![]() This report provides governments and stakeholders involved in local and place-focused renewal with conceptual framing and case study examples that can help inform and shape new community collaboration initiatives for their own contexts.
The Perceptions That Homeless People and Those at Risk of Homelessness Have of Literacy Classes![]() The Footpath Library engaged the Institute to conduct a study of literacy classes provided to homeless people and those at risk of homelessness. |
Digital Transformation: What do local councils need in the digital age?
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UTS IPPG Annual Report 2016
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2016 |
Cooperative Regulatory Reform: Practice Notes for Local Government
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Land Development Approval Process Review
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Resource sharing success stories in Tasmania
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Why Local Government Matters in South Australia
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Review of Resource Sharing Arrangements Between Kentish and Latrobe Councils
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Workforce Planning Guidelines for Local Government in Tasmania
![]() The guidelines cover six steps and include case studies and various tools. Working through the guidelines and populating the supporting templates should help councils develop their own workforce plan. |
Giving Local Governments the Reboot
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The Wellbeing of International Students in the City of Sydney
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The Future of Gwydir: Community Engagement 2015-16
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The intrinsic value of libraries as public spaces
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The Changing Landscape for Delivering Services: Co-design; different ideas from a different voice
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Local Government Innovation and Analysis: Highlights from the Town CrierA sample of articles published in the Town Crier blog, an online platform for the exchange of local government knowledge and ideas in Australia and internationally, based at the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG).
The Experiences and Perceptions of Refugees of Local Government Services and Support, Focusing on African RefugeesThis report outlines the challenges facing African refugees, examines what services are provided by local government and NGOs for refugees, and considers what the gaps are.
UTS Centre for Local Government and Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government Annual Report 2015
2015 |
Regional Meals on Wheels Needs AssessmentThis report was prepared by the Australian Centre for Excellence of Local Government (ACELG). ACELG has undertaken a needs assessment of Meals on Wheels services for the Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSORC). This needs assessment is in response to a number of policy changes to the delivery of aged care services at a Commonwealth and State level. |
Collaborative Library Service Delivery: A Guide to Regional Library Mangement Models in NSW
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Sister Cities and International AlliancesThis report characterises the current practice Australian local government engagement in international relationships, assesses their value to Australian councils and communities, and provides practical guidance for councils interested in establishing such relationships, or building on existing ones.
Local Government Services for Refugees Focusing on African Muslim RefugeesThis report investigates the activities and programs seven councils have put in place to provide support for newly-arrived refugees.
CLAIR Local Government Cooperation and Exchange Seminar Report 2014This report functions as both a background briefing document on local government in Japan and a recommendations paper for promoting greater Australian tourism to Aomori prefecture, Japan. It was prepared for, and in collaboration with Australian and New Zealand state and local government representatives who participated in the 2014 CLAIR Local Government Cooperation and Exchange Seminar in Aomori prefecture.
Creative councils for creative communitiesACELG has published a report called Creative councils for creative communities produced by Marrickville Council (NSW) and the UTS Centre for Local Government (UTS:CLG).
Community Chef: A Case Study in Local Government InnovationACELG consortium partner Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) has released a case study called Community Chef: A Case Study in Local Government Innovation.
Service Delivery Review: A How To Manual for Local Government (2nd edition)This 2nd edition of the Manual brings together advice, toolkits and templates to help councils regardless of size with assessing the services they provide for local communities. The Manual meets an increasing need from within the sector for practical guidance in undertaking service delivery reviews that are consistent with current local governance practice and processes.
CLG and ACELG 2014 Annual ReportThe report outlines key achievements and research between January and December 2014.
Building Social Cohesion in our Communities: Summary DocumentThis summary document outlines the Building Social Cohesion in our Communities online resource, which provides local government with a practical approach to develop strong, socially cohesive communities.
Why Local Government Matters: Summary Report 2015Why Local Government Matters is a major piece of social research on community attitudes to local government. This summary document outlines the key research findings of the project.
Why Local Government Matters: Full Report 2015Why Local Government Matters is a major piece of social research on community attitudes to local government. The research aims to better understand how and why the activities of local governments, and their roles in society are valued by communities.
Learning Community Framework and Measuring Impact Toolkit - Volume 2The Measuring Impact Toolkit is the accompanying toolkit to the Learning Communities Framework. Designed as a practical resource, it provides templates for planning and reporting, checklists, and further Australian examples of Community Learning Plans.
Learning Community Framework and Measuring Impact Toolkit - Volume 1This report builds on the 2013 Learning as a Driver for Change project and in particular aligns the Learning Community Framework to UNESCO's Framework of the Key Features of learning cities. Volume 1 includes a literature review with a key focus on evaluation frameworks; an in-depth case study on the city of Melton, Victoria and their evaluation practices; and background information on the development of the Measuring Impact Toolkit, designed to help local government practitioners create, adopt, and evaluate a Community Learning Plan for their LGA.
Council approaches to leadership: Research into good practiceThis report explores the elements of successful council-based leadership programs, highlighting key themes for contemporary local government leaders to consider. Three aspects of a 'good practice approach' to an in-house leadership initiative are highlighted in the research: a leadership ethos, robust support structures, and measuring the progress.
Councils learning from each other: An Australian case studyThis report explores motivations for, and facilitators and barriers of, inter-council learning. The study identifies how information, ideas and inspiration is accessed from peers and then taken further and embedded within their own organisations.
Local Government Growing Regional Australia: Volume 2 – Case Studies and Resources
Local Government Growing Regional Australia: Volume 1 – ReportThis report identifies the factors contributing to building strong sustainable regional capitals and regions and local government's role in regional development.
Rural Councils Sustainability Project: Stage One Final ReportThis discussion paper explores the issues that impact the financial and operational sustainability of rural councils. The paper synthesises existing empirical work as a basis for developing shared agreement on: (a) a detailed portrait of the 38 rural Victorian councils, demographically, spatially and financially; and (b) key areas for building strategic capacity and more effective local government.
Housing and Local Government in Australia in the 21st CenturyThis discussion paper canvases some of the key emerging issues in the relationship between housing and local government, and aims to start a conversation about which issues are important, where change is happening most rapidly and which topics require further thought, analysis, research and debate.
2014 |
ACELG 2013 Annual ReportThe report outlines key achievements and research between January and December 2013, and includes a complete list of publications and financial statements for the year.
Integrated Long-Term Planning: An Information and Resource Manual for Rural-Remote and Indigenous CouncilsThis manual provides practical guidance on integrated long-term planning (ILTP), particularly in the context of rural-remote and Indigenous Australian councils. The report includes case studies, templates for ILTP documentation, planning requirements for states and the Northern Territory, and an inventory of ILTP resources.
White Paper on the Reform of the Federation: Implications for Australian Local Government
Guidelines for the Planning and Development of Child Care FacilitiesNew national planning and development guidelines for child care facilities have been developed by ACELG with Federal Government Support. They enable councils to plan better for the future child care needs of their community through their strategic planning, land use planning and development assessment functions.
Public Value Summary Background PaperThis background paper deals with understanding and promoting public value creation within Australian local government. The paper provides a definition of public value and public value creation from key literature, and links this with current practice within the sector.
Attraction and Retention of CEOs and Senior Staff in Rural-Remote and Indigenous Local Governments - Volume 1: Research ReportThis research report identifies how rural-remote and Indigenous councils can improve their ability to attract and retain CEOs and senior staff to their councils.
Attraction and Retention of CEOs and Senior Staff in Rural-Remote and Indigenous Local Governments - Volume 2: How to GuideThis guide, prepared for mayors and councillors, provides tools for improving recruitment practices, increasing retention rates and better managing performance planning for CEOs and senior staff at rural-remote and Indigenous councils.
Local Government and Regional Development Australia Committees: Understanding the Relationship and Responding to the OpportunitiesThis paper examines the roles and relationships with local governments of Regional Development Australia Committees.
Climate Adaptation Manual for Local Government: Embedding Resilience to Climate Change - Volume 2, Case StudiesThis volume outlines leading case studies and practical resources from Australian municipalities and overseas for embedding climate resilience into local government operations.
Climate Adaptation Manual for Local Government: Embedding Resilience to Climate Change - Volume 1, ReportThis report outlines step-by-step framework for effectively embedding climate risk into council operations.
2014 Local Government Research Forum Abstract BookletThis booklet contains the abstracts and presentation schedule for the 2014 Local Government Research Forum in Melbourne.
Leadership in Local Government: Factors Affecting the Appointment of CEOsThis report considers the qualities, experiences and attributes West Australian councils seek from prospective CEOs, and the formal and informal policies and processes councils use to identify and recruit suitable candidates. The research draws on interviews with CEOs and Mayors/Shire Presidents across Western Australia.
Pilot Application of the Infrastructure Sustainability Rating Tool to Local Council Road Management - Stage 1This paper details the council-based trial of a ratings tool currently under development for sustainable infrastructure management, with a particular focus on road assets. The paper outlines the rating tool in development, the logic behind the ratings metrics used, and the problems encountered with tracking the sustainability of roads management. The paper will be useful for those with an interest in road asset management, benchmarking and sustainability best practice.
Food Safety Strategy Template
Food Safety Strategy Template: Supporting informationThis companion document to the ACELG report Food safety: Maximising impact by understanding the food business context, has been developed to provide additional information, guidance and examples/case studies that will assist local government staff construct a template for developing a food safety strategy for their council.
Food Safety: Maximising impact by understanding the food business contextThis research project involved focus groups or interviews with food business operators and young food handlers to explore their food safety understanding, attitudes, practices and the organisational culture in which they participated. The research concluded that local governments need to adopt a holistic approach to food safety that considers all factors that influence food safety outcomes, and a customisable food safety strategy template and accompanying guidelines have been developed to assist local governments implement such an approach.
Debt is not a dirty word: role and use of debt in local governmentThis report looks at the potential applications of managed debt to address local infrastructure backlogs and positively support sustainable local communities and organisational performance.
2013 |
Workforce Planning and Development: Capacity Building Opportunities
A National Review of Training and Development for Local Government Councillors
eLearning in Local Government
Public Participation in an Era of Governance: Lessons From Europe for Australian Local Government
Local Representation in Australia: A View from VictoriaThis paper outlines the outcomes of interviews with various councillors and senior staff to gauge their experiences, opinions and perspectives on the governance framework set out in the Victorian Local Government Act 1989. It is the companion document to Local Representation in Australia: A review of the legislation and literature.
Local Representation in Australia: A review of the legislation and literatureThis document is a legislative and literature review of the frameworks for local representative governance as set out in the state legislation and relevant guidelines issued by the local government associations and state agencies.
Profile of the Local Government Workforce (Summary)A brief profile of the local government workforce based on data compiled by ACELG.
Australian Local Government Financial Reform - A Federal PerspectiveThis briefing paper offers a first person account of federal interventions to increase local government`s long term financial sustainability.
The Role and Future of Citizen Committees in Australian Local GovernmentThis paper explores the role and future of citizens' committees as vehicles for sustained community engagement, and how their function might be strengthened in view of Australian and international research. The research highlights the importance of integrating citizen committees into community governance approaches to ensure their democratic potential is realised, and the valuable role well-managed and adequately resourced citizen committees can play in local governance.
ACELG 2012 Annual ReportThe report outlines key achievements and research between January and December 2012, and includes a complete list of publications and financial statements for the year.
Strategic Planning in Australian Local Government: A Comparative Analysis of State FrameworksThis paper compares the various approaches in each Australian jurisdiction in implementing local government reforms with a particular look at requirements for strategic and corporate planning and reporting.
Looking Ahead: A Guide for Local Government Practitioners' Use of Demographic DataThis report is designed to empower evidence-based decision making in Australian local government, and increase the capacity of councils to collate and utilise data in strategic planning and broader areas of council operations.
Future-Proofing Local Government: National Workforce Strategy 2013-2020
ACELG Project Plan (2013)The Project Plan is reviewed annually by the ACELG Board to address changing circumstances, needs and priorities. This 2013 update reflects commitments made by the consortium in its proposal for Commonwealth funding, feedback from ongoing consultations, and the experience of the Centre’s first three years of operations.
Local Government Researchers' Forum BookletA compiled volume outlining the forum and the contained presentations.
Review of Current Local Government Reform Processes in Australia and New ZealandProvides a snapshot of local government review and reform processes in Australia and in New Zealand between February and March 2013. Co-published with the Local government Association of South Australia.
Learning Communities FrameworkAccompanying resource to the Learning as a Driver for Change research report.
Learning as a Driver for ChangeExplores how learning partnerships between councils, their communities and learning organisations can help improve social outcomes, build community capability and strengthen community governance.
Briefing Note: Strengthening Local Government Revenues and Availability and Use of Debt by Local Governments
Briefing Note: Importance of the Local Government Workforce to Australia
Community Wellbeing Indicators: Measures for Local GovernmentThis paper outlines key research and initiatives around community wellbeing indicators, and includes a 'community wellbeing indicators survey template' that can be adapted for use by local governments nationally to measure, analyse and assess the progress of community wellbeing.
Knowledge City: The Difference an In-House Research Team made to a Council and its CommunityA discussion paper about the research capacity of the City of Melbourne.
Social Enterprises and Local Government: A Scoping StudyThis scoping study explores the relationship between social enterprises and local governments with a particular focus on the Australian experience. The paper outlines current knowledge about local governments in Australia and overseas working with social enterprises to achieve collaborative place-based solutions to current challenges facing communities.
In Our Hands: Strengthening Local Government Revenue for the 21st CenturyThis research distils recent findings on the topic and presents fresh thinking and sound evidence about how stronger local government revenues might be achieved to meet the ongoing and emerging needs of their local communities.
National Assessment FrameworkThis document provides background and details about the implementation of the Local Government Financial Sustainability Nationally Consistent Frameworks Assessment on-line Portal.
Make Your Knowledge Matter: Guide to Developing and Documenting ResearchThis guide is designed to facilitate a greater role for practitioners in local government research by encouraging them to develop ideas, document good practice, and share their work with a wider audience.
A National Review of Education and Training in Local Government Skills Shortage AreasThis paper was prepared in consultation with key sector organisations, and documents a national review of education and training in local government skills shortage areas.
Service Delivery Reviews in Australian Local GovernmentThe paper assesses the level of maturity of formal service review processes used in a variety of councils and the outcomes achieved, and makes recommendations on how such processes can be supported and enhanced in the future.
National Local Government Indigenous Employment Position Paper - Closing the Gap Through Place-based EmploymentThis paper aims to encourage and facilitate increased Indigenous workforce participation in local government, and is a response to considerable workforce challenges that lie ahead for the sector.
Connecting with Communities: How Local Government is Using Social Media to Engage with CitizensThe report provides practitioners detail about social media policy and decision-making within local government.
International Roundtable on Metropolitan Governance - Summary PaperA summary paper of the International Roundtable on Metropolitan Governance held in Sydney in December 2009.
Second International Roundtable on Metropolitan Governance - Summary PaperA summary paper of the Second International Roundtable on Metropolitan Governance held in Brisbane in August 2010.
Community Engagement in Rural-remote and Indigenous Local Government in AustraliaThis report considers whether rural-remote and Indigenous local governments in Australia have developed robust community engagement processes.
Australian Mayors: What Can and Should They Do?The discussion paper reviews relevant literature and recent developments in Australia, New Zealand and the UK, and concludes that if local government is to perform effectively and meet growing community expectations, the capacity of its political arm needs to be enhanced. The paper sets out a suggested framework of mayoral functions and associated legislative provisions to support an enhanced role.
Political Management in Australian Local Government: Exploring Roles and Relationships between Mayors and CEOsDrawing on independent research and a consideration of the literature on the nature of the Mayors - CEOs relationship which occurs in one form or another at all levels of government, the paper draws conclusions and comments upon how elected councillors and appointed staff can best assist individuals in these roles to establish a successful and effective working relationship.
Innovation, Ingenuity and Initiative: The adoption and application of new ideas in Australian local governmentThis paper discusses different approaches to innovation for local government, using case studies to explore issues and ideas raised.
Search Conference Background Paper: Strengthening Local Government RevenueThis paper references reviews of local governments' finances, and explores the key themes and findings for local government.
Using Social Media in Local Government: 2011 Survey ReportThe survey explores the benefits, risks and barriers to councils in using social media, and identifies those areas where social media might best serve the sector.
Local Action for a Low Carbon FutureThe paper sets out a policy position on the role local government can play in moves towards a low carbon future, with findings reflecting a consensus view developed across a range of local government organisations.
Rural-Remote and Indigenous Local Government Program: Capacity Building SurveyResults from a survey about capacity building in rural-remote and Indigenous councils.
Innovation in Local Government: Defining the Challenge, Making the Change (supplement)Supplement to the Better Practice Guide titled Innovation in Local Government: Defining the Challenge, Making the Change.
Innovation in Local Government: Defining the Challenge, Making the ChangeA Better Practice Guide about innovation and change in Australian local government and how such concepts might be practically considered within the sector.
Local Government Service Delivery to Remote Indigenous CommunitiesThis report presents the findings of the first phase of an investigation into models for the funding and delivery of local government services in remote Indigenous communities in Australia.
Legal and Governance Models for Shared Services in Local Government (Interim Report)This paper, prepared for ACELG by David Somerville and Melissa Gibbs investigates models of shared services delivery. Available legal options and models actually in use vary greatly across Australia. This report provides a summary of those options, illustrated by five case studies. Through undertaking this study, it was identified that further research was needed. Work is already under way to undertake additional and/or more in-depth case studies, and to explore the reasons behind the differences between jurisdictions in the models councils may use for shared services delivery.
Scoping Study: Impact of Fly-In Fly-Out/ Drive-In Drive-Out Work Practices on Local GovernmentThis research identifies potential gaps in the literature, provides a greater understanding of the impacts of Fly-In Fly-Out/ Drive-In Drive-Out work practices within the local government context, and suggests areas to focus upon for future research.
ACELG 2011 Annual ReportThe Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) annual report on activities for the year ended December 2011.
ACELG Project Plan (2012)The Project Plan is reviewed annually by the Centre Board to address changing circumstances, needs and priorities. This 2012 Update reflects commitments made by the consortium in its proposal for Commonwealth funding, feedback from ongoing consultations, and the experience of the Centre’s first two years of operations.
Evolution in Community Governance: Building on What WorksThis report provides an overview of emerging trends in community governance through reviewing local and international literature as well as interviews with Australian local government leaders and Bendigo Bank representatives. The paper explores the implications of the research findings for new approaches to local decision making and directions for further research.
Collaborative Governance and Metropolitan Planning in South East Queensland - 1990 To 2010: From a Voluntary to a Statutory ModelThis report provides a brief history of metropolitan planning in SEQ from 1996 to 2010, focusing on the factors behind the move from a voluntary to a statutory planning model and drawing out the lessons for other states and multi-level planning regions from the analysis.
Report on Local Government Researchers ForumThis report documents the processes, outcomes and recommendations of the ACELG Local Government Researchers Forum held in December 2011.
Long Term Financial Planning Practice Note
Role and Expectations of Rural-Remote and Indigenous Local GovernmentThis report includes: A profile of rural-remote and Indigenous councils, highlighting factors that impact on local capacity; a review of background information to identify federal, state and community expectations and issues from discussions with stakeholders; and identification of further actions and research.
Options for a Local Government Framework for Measuring LiveabilityThis research maps current research and thinking on the state of community liveability indicator development across Australia.
Local Government Researchers Forum Abstracts + ScheduleThe abstracts and schedule from the 2011 Local Government Researchers Forum held at the University of Technology, Sydney.
Learning in Local Government - An Analysis of Sector Consultations and PerspectivesThis paper provides observations about the experiences and aspirations of participants in the Learning in Local Government online survey and associated consultations.
A comparative analysis of Regional Organisations of Councils in NSW and Western AustraliaThe report outlines the variety of Regional Organisations of Councils (ROCs) or council alliances in NSW and Western Australia and suggests some future directions.
Consolidation in Local Government: A Fresh Look - Volume 2: Background Papers
Volume 2 of the 'Options for Consolidation' report. |
Consolidation in Local Government: A Fresh Look - Volume 1: Report
Volume 1 of the 'Options for Consolidation' report. |
Local Government and Community Engagement in AustraliaThis working paper was commissioned by the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government to provide a national update on what is taking place across the local government sector in relation to community engagement, and identify the ongoing challenges and questions for councils in engaging communities.
Climate Change Science: Top ten sources to build your personal knowledgeThis paper provides advice on ‘top ten’ reliable and easily accessible sources of research written for non-specialist readers on the science of climate change.
Unfinished Business? A Decade of Inquiries into Australian Local GovernmentThis Working Paper examines the findings, recommendations and outcomes of nine major national and state inquiries into local government over the period 2001-08, and identifies eight elements of an ongoing agenda for reform and improvement. |
Australian Business Excellence Framework Case StudiesA series of 8 detailed case studies regarding the implementation of the Australian Business Excellence Framework (BEF) within local government - Low Res (2 MB).
Summary of Survey Responses from Eighteen Councils in the Local Government Business Excellence NetworkLGBEN councils were invited to participate in some preliminary exploration of issues and options in implementing the ABEF in local government in Australia. This report provides a summary of the survey responses returned by eighteen LGBEN councils.
Local Government and Community Engagement: Annotated BibliographyThis annotated bibliography of key community engagement resources and guides has been developed in conjunction with the Working Paper ‘Local Government and Community Engagement’ being prepared by the UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures and ACELG.
The Henry Review of Australia's Future Tax System: Implications for Local Government
Local Government and Community Governance: A Literature ReviewThis paper introduces community governance to an Australian local government audience and provides the foundation for further research on the topic. It summarises the findings of a literature review on community governance from a local government perspective and sets out the theoretical underpinnings.
A Capacity Building Strategy for Rural-Remote and Indigenous Local GovernmentThe strategy aims to identify key steps to build the capacity of small-remote and Indigenous councils across Australia - and especially in northern Australia - to deliver local government services to their communities.
Australian Local Government and Climate Change Working PaperThis ACELG working paper provides a snapshot of what is happening in local government in Australia in relation to climate change.
Overview of Fourteen Excellence FrameworksThis working paper provides an overview of fourteen excellence frameworks which are available and currently in use in local government. The paper reports on a number of features which enhance the usefulness of these frameworks in a local government context.
Promoting Excellence and Continuous Improvement155 Australian LG CEOs responded to a survey canvassing opinions and experiences in promoting excellence and continuous improvement. This summary reports on issues such as the use of external and commercial tools, resourcing issues, levels of satisfaction and future support needs.
Aspiring Leaders Partnership
Learning in Local Government - A Preliminary Inventory and Gap Analysis of Education and Professional Development for Local Government in AustraliaAn exploratory review of the unique and complex needs of education and professional development in Australian local government that aims to raise discussion and inform the Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government’s Workforce Development Program. [PDF-1.5MB]
National Roundtable on Communique - National Roundtable on Rural-remote and Indigenous Local GovernmentThis is the Communique from the National Roundtable on Rural-remote and Indigenous Local Government held in Canberra on 29 and 30 July 2010
Queensland Non-amalgamated Councils Scoping StudyA scoping study prepared for the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) by Alan Morton of Morton Consulting.
Queensland Indigenous Councils Scoping StudyA scoping study prepared for ACELG by Dr Michael Limerick.
Western Australian Scoping StudyA scoping study prepared for ACELG by Edith Cowan University (ECU)
Northern Territory Scoping StudyA scoping study prepared for ACELG by Charles Darwin University (CDU).
Annual Report 2009The Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government (ACELG) report on activities for the year ended December 2009
Online resources
Building Social Cohesion in Our CommunitiesThe Building Social Cohesion in our Communities online resource provides local government with a practical approach to develop strong, socially cohesive communities. |
Local Government NSW Amalgamation Toolkit
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Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance
A peer-reviewed journal that aims to strengthen the research voice of local government in the Commonwealth by providing a forum for researchers and practitioners interested in local government ideas and practices. Its overall focus is upon improving local governance and supporting local government as an agent of development. The journal is auspiced by the Commonwealth Local Government Forum (UK), edited by Cardiff University (UK), and published by the UTS Centre for Local Government. Access »
ACELG Resources and Publications
With the conclusion of the ACELG program, the ACELG online platforms have been moved or decommissioned. ACELG resources are now hosted by UTS. Access »