The commencement of the new National Construction Code 2022 (NCC 2022) on 1 May 2023, and the upcoming additional provisions, have provided both improvements and new challenges in the design and construction of buildings in Australia.

Throughout Australia, building codes and regulations are continually changing to adapt to ever-increasing challenges. In the past few years, the design and construction of safe and healthy buildings have increasingly had to consider the risks of bushfires, floods, earthquakes, storms, droughts and greater variations in temperatures in both warm and cool climates.
Due to the legislative nature of building codes, it takes some time to adopt provisions that apply nationally and at state/territory levels. For this reason, it is important for professionals to stay up to date with the key changes to ensure the design and construction of buildings in Australia remain world class.
The new National Construction Code 2022 looks different from past iterations and significant improvements for building codes and building practitioners have occurred including:
Residential energy efficiency - The minimum level of thermal performance of new homes is raised to the equivalent of seven stars under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (known as NatHERS). This will deliver a significant improvement in thermal comfort for occupants. NCC 2022 provides a mix of practical solutions for homes that can be customised to the climate and location of each build.
Commercial energy efficiency - New performance requirements meant that certain buildings need to have to have features which can accommodate the future installation of on-site renewables and electric vehicle charging. New Deemed to Satisfy (DtS) provisions were designed to facilitate the future installation of solar photovoltaics and battery storage.
Condensation management – There are additional DtS provisions for vapour permeance of certain external wall and roof space materials and enhanced ventilation requirements for certain rooms and roof spaces.
Fire Safety - New, additional requirements are included for early childhood centres (ECCs). The changes better accommodate potential emergency evacuation challenges in ECCs. New provisions for Primary schools in high-rise buildings take account of the challenges these primary schools can experience in emergency evacuations.
Livable Housing – This includes designing our homes to providing step-free access to the home, making doorways and hallways easier to use for people with reduced mobility, providing extra space in the bathroom and toilet, and wall reinforcing in the bathroom and toilet, to make it easier to install grabrails if needed in the future.
Performance - One of the main changes for performance in NCC 2022 is the quantification of more Performance Requirements. These may add some complexity whilst achieving better building outcomes.
These are just some of the improvements and building practitioners will benefit from knowing in order to implement these changes into their work practices. The task of building practitioners is not to memorise building codes and legislative requirements as these are ever changing. A key skill is to be able to identify applicable legislation, interpret it correctly and apply it to relevant buildings. These skills are important for building surveyors, certifiers, architects, builders and planners alike.
Through the likes of our Advanced Building Regulation course, here at UTS IPPG, we strive to provide the tools and training necessary to provide all building regulation practitioners with the skills and confidence to ensure they remain world leaders in the safety, health and sustainability of buildings in Australia.
By Stephen Krimmer
About Stephen Krimmer

Stephen Krimmer is an Accredited Certifier and Senior Building Surveyor with over twenty years of local government and industry experience, with a specific focus on building code compliance, construction certificate assessments, inspections and education. Stephen provides a variety of engaging training courses to assist both local government organisations and accredited certifiers across NSW.
Stephen Krimmer's courses
Advanced Building Regulation
Do you assess complex multi-storey residential, commercial and industrial buildings? Learn the most up-to-date theory and practice for interpreting requirements around complex buildings in the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Find out more >
Building Regulation
This course focuses on interpreting and applying regulatory requirements for dwellings and outbuildings under the Building Code of Australia and NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. Find out more >
ABC of the Building Code of Australia
Know your code. This course will guide you through the Building Code of Australia, focusing on its hierarchy, general rules and legislation. Find out more >
Certification Short Course
If you are becoming a certifier, or working towards renewing your accreditation, this certification course is for you. This course has been approved by NSW Fair Trading as a prerequisite to apply for registration as a Registered Certifier. Find out more >
Plan Reading
This one-day course is designed to provide participants with training in reading and interpreting the various types of plans used in building and local government. Find out more >
Swimming Pool Assessment and Compliance
Learn how to assess and inspect new and existing swimming pools, issue swimming pool compliance certificates, and develop a swimming pool inspection program. Find out more >