Organisational performance, viability & governance
Our specialist skills in areas such as governance, integrity, funding, facilities and finance help sporting organisations operate effectively and efficiently.
Sports management and leadership
We support current and future leaders develop their skills and build career pathways.
Supporting equity, diversity & inclusion
The Centre is committed to sport for all. Its focus is on increasing opportunities across all parts of the sport sector, locally and globally.
National & international expertise
The Centre is part of Australia's top university for research impact. We take a practical and forward-looking approach to education and research, underpinned by innovation.
Short Courses
In-house Training for Organisations
Enterprise Learning Offering
Customise a course to suit your team's needs
Contact us to find out what structure best suits your team’s development needs - whether that be undertaking an entire short course program, or customising it to reach your goals.
Contact Us
Institute for Public Policy and Governance
Centre for Sports, Business and SocietyUTS Tower Building 1, Level 21
15 Broadway, Ultimo NSW 2007Tel: +61 2 9514 7884