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Governance and capacity building

IPPG’s advisory service brings together senior leaders from the public and non-profit sectors, with extensive experience in public administration and corporate governance. We offer professional development courses for public sector leaders, managers and staff, and bespoke capacity-building solutions for organisations.

Organisational ethics and compliance

We are experts at co-designing codes of conduct, governance policies and operational guidelines for decision makers at all levels in public sector and sporting organisations, not-for-profits and industry bodies.

Organisational change, structural reform and governance models

We specialise in executive decision-making strategy. We understand multi-level corporate governance and management accountabilities, the impacts of structural reform and how to help you manage change effectively.

Capacity building solutions and professional development

We offer workshops, short courses and events to upskill agencies and teams in the business of public administration, ethical decision-making and government relations. We also provide in-project leadership advice, coaching and support.

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