Natalia Ortiz
Thesis title: Home Sweet Home: Causes and effects of nostalgia and the "myth of returning" in Spanish-speaking communities in Australia
Drawing on theoretical development in the field of migration studies, this project examines the relevance of the “myth of return” among Spanish-speaking groups in Australia. It explores whether immigrants of Spanish descent show a stronger attachment to their homelands than other groups, while studying patterns of variation and differences among diverse Spanish speaking groups. The main proposition asks why some immigrants of Spanish descent desire to return to their homeland despite the many advantages for a "better life" Australia may offer them. Thus, this project is exploring how this idea of “return” is shaped within different generations of migrants and their reasons to return. The approach I have taken is multidisciplinary using literature, sociology, anthropology and cultural studies as the basis of this study. Furthermore, I have undertaken some ethnographic studies interviewing Spanish migrants from different aged groups and social backgrounds yet all linked by the idea or desire to one-day return to their homeland.