The Justice Reinvestment Network Australia (JRNA) is a group of community leaders, practitioners, researchers and policy colleagues interested in the area of Justice Reinvestment and other alternatives to incarceration, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Since 2015, JRNA members have met to share knowledge and to create a community of interest around justice reinvestment. There are members from across Australia and include people engaged in local justice reinvestment projects, representatives from various non-government organisations, policy-makers, academics and other interested groups.
Staff in the Indigenous Law and Justice Hub have been centrally involved in the establishment of the JRNA. We have worked with other members of the Network in developing government submissions, disseminating information, presenting at conferences and convening JRNA meetings. The Indigenous Law and Justice Hub has supported the development of the JRNA website. The governance committee of JRNA is made up of First Nations representatives, and is currently moving to incorporation.
We recently released a major report on the development of justice reinvestment in Australia over the last decade which explores the progress and issues particularly related to Aboriginal community-generated justice reinvestment projects. The report was written by Fiona Allison and Chris Cunneen and was published jointly by Jumbunna and the JRNA. It is available to download.