Graduate Attributes
Graduate Attribute 1: Legal Knowledge
A coherent understanding of fundamental areas of legal knowledge including: the Australian legal system, impacts of historical and ongoing Anglo-Australian laws, social justice, cultural and international contexts, and the principles and values of ethical practice.
Graduate Attribute 2: Ethics and Professional Responsibility
A well-developed capacity to value and promote honesty, integrity, cultural respect, accountability, public service and ethical standards including: reflecting upon and responding to ethical challenges in practice, approaches to ethical decision-making and the rules of professional responsibility.
Graduate Attribute 3: Critical Analysis and Evaluation
A capacity to think critically, strategically and creatively including an ability to identify and articulate legal issues, apply reasoning and research, engage in critical analysis and make reasoned choices.
Graduate Attribute 4: Research skills
Well-developed cognitive and practical skills necessary to identify, research, evaluate and synthesise relevant factual, legal and policy issues, and apply ethical research practices.
Graduate Attribute 5: Communication
Professional and appropriate communication skills including highly effective use of the English language, an ability to inform, analyse, report and persuade using an appropriate medium and message and an ability to respond respectfully.
Graduate Attribute 6: Collaboration
Well-developed collaboration skills in working together to achieve a common goal in a group learning environment or the workplace, including the capacity to give and receive feedback, appropriate professional and interpersonal skills in working cooperatively and the ability to develop strategies to successfully negotiate group challenges.
Graduate Attribute 7: Indigenous Professional Capability
A capability to work with Indigenous peoples; respect, recognise and advocate for Indigenous strengths and self-determination; identify and challenge the deficit narratives and biases of Anglo-Australian laws towards Indigenous Australians.
Graduate Attribute 8: Self-management
The ability to implement appropriate self-management and lifelong learning strategies including initiating self-directed work and learning, judgment and responsibility, self-assessment of skills, personal wellbeing and appropriate use of feedback and, a capacity to adapt to and embrace.