Dean's Merit List
The Dean’s Merit List Award recognises and rewards the outstanding academic achievements of students in the undergraduate Bachelor of Laws (single or combined), and in the postgraduate Juris Doctor, Master of Intellectual Property, Master of Laws, and Graduate Diploma in Migration Law and Practice law courses.
Appearing on the Dean’s Merit List for Academic Excellence places you amongst the highest achieving students within UTS Law, and is a respected mark of academic excellence across all universities and in the employment sector.
Students are not required to apply for this award. Selection is based on achieving a WAM (weighted average mark) of 80 or higher for all law subjects completed to date in their course and:
- Single and combined Bachelor of Law students must have completed a minimum of 50% law coursework credit points;
- Students must have completed a minimum of 12 credit points in law subjects in the year of the award.
The Award will be included on the Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS) which accompanies graduates' Testamur.
The Faculty of Law and our partners provide a number of prizes each year for meritorious performance. Many of our prizes are made possible by the generosity of our donors who share with us a desire to recognise and reward academic excellence. See below prizes that are on offer.
The Faculty of Law and our partners provide a number of scholarships for commencing and continuing undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Teaching Awards
The Lyndal Taylor and Emma Holt Teaching Award was established in honour of a dedicated staff member, Lyndal Taylor and her daughter, Emma Holt who commenced her law studies before transferring to teaching. The award is presented to a continuing or fixed term staff member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and learning.
The Daniel Tirado Excellence in Teaching Award (Casual Academic) is named in remembrance of Daniel who taught as a casual academic from 2014 to 2019. Daniel sadly passed away in May 2020. Daniel was an outstanding teacher and contributor to student opportunities. He taught in Evidence, Commercial Law and the PLT program. Daniel was an alumnus and a great example of ‘giving back’. This Award honours a casual academic who has demonstrated sustained excellent in teaching and learning.
In addition to these Teaching & Learning Awards, we recognise Excellence in Teaching and the Student Experience as well as Research Excellence through the Award for Early Career Researcher Excellence in Publication and Excellence in Research Impact and Engagement.
UTS Law Awards
UTS Faculty of Law recognises the accomplishments of our high performing students each year with the generous support of our donors, who join with us in recognising the efforts of our high achievers.
By recognising and encouraging outstanding academic achievement, these awards help build the personal and professional confidence of our students and add prestige to their curriculum vitae.
The Faculty holds an awards ceremony annually.