Academic Liaison Officer
The Academic Liaison Officer (ALO) is the contact for accessibility services registered students, Indigenous students, educational access scheme students or students who are experiencing difficulties with their studies because of primary carer's commitments, illness or misadventure, which will affect them for the duration of a semester.
The ALO can assist with applications for assessment adjustment arrangements for relevant students. These students need to consult with the UTS Accessibility Service to discuss suitable learning and assessment arrangements prior to seeing the ALO.
Requests to the ALO must be made at the start of each session and no later than week 9.
UTS has:
- More information on assessment arrangements (special conditions).
- Links to relevant assessment arrangements forms.
The ALO does not undertake the following:
- Process special consideration applications due to temporary illness or misadventure, or pass on short term requests for extensions.
- Assess or process applications for special conditions in tests or examinations for students of non-English speaking backgrounds. UTS:HELPS Centre has more information on special conditions in exams for students of non-English speaking backgrounds.
The ALO for UTS Law students is Maree Murray.