The Nominations Committee recommends to Council candidates whom Council may either nominate to the Minister for appointment as Council members or appoint as Council members.
Deborah Crook
Executive Officer (Governance Support)
telephone 02 9514 1240
Committee details
Meeting dates
Meetings are held as required.
Composition and membership
The Nominations Committee consists of the following positions:
- the Chancellor
- the Vice-Chancellor
- up to three people appointed to the committee by the Council of whom:
- one must be a member appointed by the Minister, and
- one must be a member appointed by the Council.
A person referred to in category (3) must not be the holder of an office in respect of which the committee is convening (unless the person is not seeking reappointment).
Position | Membership | Current Term |
Chancellor (Chair) | Catherine Livingstone, AC | ex officio |
Vice-Chancellor or nominee | Professor Andrew Parfitt | ex officio |
Council member | Dr Sue Barrell, AO | 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2026 |
Positions on the committee are in accordance with its composition.
The UTS Nominations Committee Charter (PDF) outlines the committee's roles, responsibilities, composition and the manner in which it discharges its responsibilities for UTS.
The committee will make recommendations to Council on the following matters:
- consider and make recommendations to Council on the appointment of members in accordance with the requirements as specified in Division 3 of the University of Technology Sydney By-Law and in accordance with the Council Skills and Experience Matrix.
The committee will review its performance annually against the charter.
The quorum at any meeting of a Council committee or board, shall, unless another number is fixed for a particular committee or board, be one-half of the members of the committee or board for the time being but, if one-half is not a whole number, shall be the next higher whole number.