The Infrastructure Committee provides advice to Council on physical infrastructure, information technology infrastructure and precinct matters in the context of the UTS strategic plan, the budget and the medium-term finance plan.
Liezel McEvoy
Senior Governance Support Officer (Delegations)
telephone 02 9514 7550
Committee details
2025 meeting dates
Tuesday 8 April
Wednesday 4 June
Monday 21 July
Thursday 13 November
Time: meetings commence at 10am
Composition and membership
The Infrastructure Committee consists of the following positions:
- Chair — an external member of Council appointed for expertise in information technology and/or strategic capital development and people management
- Up to four other members, of whom:
- up to two may also be members of Council with qualifications and experience related to the operations of the university
- all should have strategic skills and experience in either infrastructure development and/or information technology
- Chair of Finance Committee (ex officio)
- Vice-Chancellor or nominee
Position | Membership | Current Term |
Chair | Richard Howes | 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2026 |
Council member | Catherine Livingstone, AC | 1 November 2024 to 30 November 2025 |
External member | Richard Fleming | 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2026 |
External member | Rob Harris | 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2026 |
External member | Greg Baster | 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2026 |
Chair of Finance Committee | Dr John Laker, AO | ex officio |
Vice-Chancellor or nominee | Glen Babington | ex officio |
Positions on the committee are in accordance with its composition.
The UTS Infrastructure Committee Charter (PDF) outlines the committee's roles, responsibilities, composition and the manner in which it discharges its responsibilities for UTS.
The committee is responsible to Council for the provision of advice on matters relating to physical infrastructure, information technology infrastructure and precincts in the context of the UTS strategic plan approved by Council and the medium-term finance plan as approved by Council from time to time.
The committee will make recommendations to Council on the following matters:
Physical infrastructure
a. the development and implementation of the Campus Master Plan
b. oversight of progress, including expenditure, on physical infrastructure projects in the context of capital works budgets
c. commercial activity proposals for the university’s land, infrastructure and facilities
d. oversight of capital investments in physical infrastructure
e. oversight of the university’s approach to existing and emerging precincts as they align to the university’s strategy
Information technology
f. the development and implementation of the Digital Strategy for UTS
g. oversight of progress, including expenditure, on information technology projects in the context of capital budgets
h. oversight of capital investments in information technology infrastructure
i. oversight of the policies and lifecycle planning (including maintenance) for land, physical and information technology infrastructure, including commercial uses
j. assist Council in discharging its responsibility to exercise due care and skill in relation to designated risks contained within the UTS Council Committees Risk Oversight Responsibilities Matrix
k. the Infrastructure Committee Monitoring and Reporting Protocol sets out the procedure for monitoring on physical asset and information technology capital expenditure.
The committee will review its performance annually against the charter.
The quorum at any meeting of a Council committee or board, shall, unless another number is fixed for a particular committee or board, be one-half of the members of the committee or board for the time being but, if one-half is not a whole number, shall be the next higher whole number.
Monitoring and reporting protocol
The Infrastructure Committee Monitoring and Reporting Protocol (under review) (PDF) sets out the procedure for monitoring and reporting on physical asset and information technology capital expenditure (this will be amended after Council decision).