UTS Council is the university's governing body.
Council is the governing body of UTS. It is established in accordance with the UTS Act and By-law and relevant UTS Rules.
Powers and functions
Council's powers and functions include management and control of the university's affairs, concerns and property. Council acts in all matters that best promote the objectives and interests of the university.
Council is chaired by the UTS Chancellor, who is elected by the Council. The members of Council are elected and appointed, and have expertise and background relevant to the governance needs of the university.
Council is advised by its committees. Committee membership includes Council and non-Council members with relevant expertise and background.
Academic Board has specific delegations from Council for determining academic matters. Academic Board advises Council on the university's core business of teaching, learning and research. Council works with Academic Board to ensure appropriate quality mechanisms are in place for assuring and enhancing academic provision and standards.
Secretary to Council
The Secretary to Council has overall responsibility for coordinating, facilitating and recording the activities of Council and its committees. In addition to overseeing the effective operation of meetings, the Secretary to Council provides general counsel and advice on Council's duties and legal obligations. At UTS, the role of Secretary to Council is undertaken by the University Secretary.
The Governance Support Unit works with the Secretary to Council in facilitating the activities of Council and its committees.
Council business
Council meeting dates and reports are available for the information of the UTS community and public.
For information about Council business, contact the Executive Officer to the UTS Council.