Academic Board has its own standing committees and boards of studies that advise the board on a variety of matters pertaining to the academic programs of the university.
Appeals committees
Appeals committees hear appeals under section 17 of the Student Rules.
- Admissions Non-disclosure Appeals Committee
- Graduate Research Students’ Appeals Committee
- Internships Appeals Committee
Courses Accreditation Committee
The Courses Accreditation Committee makes recommendations to Academic Board on the accreditation of proposed or existing coursework award courses and pan-university subjects, the discontinuation of accreditation and related policy and practice. It is also responsible for advising Academic Board on admission standards and, as necessary, the recognition and policy related to foundation programs and articulation arrangements.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is an advisory committee to the Chair of Academic Board and its committees, providing support for the business of Academic Board and ensuring that Academic Board’s work assists UTS to achieve its strategic objectives.
Higher Degree Research Committee
The Higher Degree Research Committee advises on higher degree by research frameworks and makes recommendations on matters related to graduate research training and supervision.
Institute for Sustainable Futures Institute Board
The Institute for Sustainable Futures Institute Board is accountable for making institute-wide strategic decisions to shape the direction and practices of the institute.
Research Committee
The Research Committee is a university-wide advisory and consultative committee, established by Academic Board. It deals with matters pertaining to the strategic planning and policy directions for research as well as the development of the university’s research culture and research profile.
Teaching and Learning Committee
The Teaching and Learning Committee provides advice and makes recommendations to Academic Board and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) on the university’s strategic directions, priorities and quality assurance processes for teaching and learning, and policies and guidelines related to teaching and learning in coursework programs