Chair's summary
The Academic Board Event took place on 26 July 2012 in the University's new Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building space. The morning session was entitled 'Academic Board: Best Practice' and was led with a presentation by Professor Hilary Winchester (Professor Emeritus, University of South Australia and higher education quality assurance consultant).
The afternoon session, 'Higher Education: Risky Business? Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask' was open to all staff and Council members and took an ABC-TV-style Q&A format. The panel comprised:
- Carol Nicoll from the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)
- Di Booker from the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
- David de Carvalho from Higher Education, Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
- Richard James from the Advancing Quality in Higher Education Reference Group and the Higher Education Standards Board
- Vicki Thompson from the Australian Technology Network (ATN) of Universities, and
- Jade Tyrrell the Students' Association President.
It was an overwhelming success due to a large attendance — 120 people, great audience participation and a knowledgeable and experienced panel of leaders in the higher education sector.
The Q&A was expertly moderated by Jenna Price who set a tone which was relaxed and entertaining but at the same time professional and informative. My thanks go to all those who helped to organise the event, particularly Jenna, who drew the best out of the panel and the audience. For all those who attended the event I would like to thank you for your questions and comments. The Q&A style proved to be an excellent format to cover a wide range of issues in the rapidly changing higher education environment. We look forward to next year's event!
Associate Professor Sally Varnham, Chair, UTS Academic Board
Presentation and recommended reading
Professor Hilary Winchester's presentation: Academic Board: Best Practice (PDF 1.1mb) (SharePoint).
Professor Winchester recommended the Provider Registration Standards as background reading. These Standards are available within the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2011.
Photos from the event

Professor Hilary Winchester (right) with Associate Professor Sally Varnham, Chair of Academic Board

Associate Professor Sally Varnham and the panel at the Q&A session

The panel at the Q&A session