The Teaching and Learning Committee is a university-wide advisory and consultative committee, established by Academic Board. It deals with matters pertaining to the strategic planning, policy directions, quality, standard and integrity for teaching and learning in coursework programs as well as the development of the university’s teaching and learning culture and profile.
Elbreg Zwaan
Senior Governance Support Officer
telephone 02 9514 9811
Committee details
2025 meeting dates
Monday 17 February (planning meeting)
Monday 28 April
Monday 23 June
Monday 4 August (special)
Monday 1 September
Monday 13 October
Time: 10am to 12pm
Venue: Chancellery boardroom (expect for the 13 October meeting which will be held in Business boardroom)
Composition and membership
Composition | Membership | Term |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) as Chair | Professor Kylie Readman | ex officio |
Deputy Chair (Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning) or equivalent nominated from committee membership) | Professor Tracey Booth | 17 February 2025 to 31 December 2025 |
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) | Professor Joanne Gray | ex officio |
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Partnerships), or nominee | Mychel Palamountain (nominee) | ex officio |
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Leadership and Engagement), or nominee | Associate Professor Annette Gainsford (nominee) | ex officio |
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students), or nominee | Jacqui Wise | ex officio |
Chief Data Officer, or nominee | Susan Gibson (nominee) | ex officio |
Director, Teaching Learning and Curriculum | Associate Professor Jan McLean | ex officio |
University Librarian, or nominee | Michael Gonzalez | ex officio |
One associate dean (teaching and learning) or equivalent from each faculty, nominated by the respective deans | Professor Sara Denize, Business Associate Professor Alexandra Crosby, Dr Rene Leveaux, Engineering and Information Technology (until May 2025) Associate Professor Lynn Sinclair, Health Professor Tracey Booth, Law Professor Willa Huston, Science Dr Alex Baumber, TD School | ex officio |
Three members of academic staff (with no more than one from any one faculty, at least one member from academic level A/B/C and at least one from academic level D/E), elected by and from academic staff of the university. Membership terms to be staggered such that not all members conclude their normal term in the same year. | Associate Professor Amanda White OAM | 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026 |
Associate Professor Joshua Lee | 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026 | |
Dr Megan Murray | 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2025 | |
One undergraduate student elected by and from the undergraduate students of the university | Amelia Wilson-Williams | 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025 |
One graduate coursework student elected by and from the graduate coursework students of the university | Emma McGlinn | 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025 |
Co-opted members on the basis of their skills and experience as appropriate |
On the recommendation of the chair, the committee has the power to approve the co-option of members on the basis of their skills and faculty representation.
Terms of reference
The committee provides academic oversight for teaching and learning at UTS. The committee has responsibility for considering the following matters:
- teaching and learning policies and guidelines, including developing, benchmarking, monitoring and reviewing teaching and learning policies and their effectiveness and monitoring the operation of the university’s teaching and learning governance instruments
- teaching and learning strategy, including making recommendations on strategic priorities for teaching and learning; and monitoring and reporting on the achievement of strategic objectives against agreed targets
- teaching and learning quality and performance, including:
- providing oversight of the availability of professional learning that supports development of scholarship of learning and teaching and contributes to the university’s teaching and learning culture
- encouraging excellence in teaching and learning through innovation and improvement, taking into account national and international benchmarks and standards, use of emerging technologies and new approaches to teaching and learning
- developing, monitoring and reviewing the qualitative and quantitative measures of evaluating performance and quality assurance in teaching and learning, and
- recommending actions to improve teaching and learning performance and quality
- activities, strategies, policy and projects focused on enhancement of student experience and success including recognition of and support for student diversity, study modes, and learning needs
- teaching and learning integrity, including promoting, preserving and upholding academic integrity by providing advice on training, education and prevention; analysing misconduct data to improve practices; and advice on the effectiveness of the supporting UTS governance instruments
- teaching and learning risk management including identification, assessment and monitoring of risks to the teaching and learning activities, and reporting on these risks and the effectiveness of relevant mitigations.
For UTS subjects, courses and student cohorts, TLC will:
- receive regular reports on subject, course and cohort performance
- approve and monitor planned actions proposed by faculties to improve courses and subjects performing unsatisfactorily, and actions by faculties or support units to improve academic support for particular student cohorts
- provide commendations on strongly performing courses and subjects
- identify and provide advice on recommended practice and/or unsatisfactory course or subject performance issues that may warrant consideration across more than one faculty
- monitor relevant external articulation arrangements that may be impacted by, or impact upon, course and subject performance
- make recommendations on proposed changes to metrics, weightings and targets to be used in the preparation of performance reports to support the university’s strategies for learning and teaching, and
- commission or consider other reports and analysis to complement regular performance reports.
TLC will make recommendations to Academic Board or the applicable decision-making authority, and operate in accordance with UTS Rules, Delegations and policies.
Membership term
The length of committee membership terms will be two years for staff and one year for students, consistent with the term of membership for elected members of Academic Board, including for co-opted members.
Number of meetings
Minimum of six scheduled meetings per year.
The quorum shall be one-half of the current members of the committee. If one-half is not a whole number, the next higher whole number shall be used.
Vacant positions on the committee do not count toward the total membership of which one-half is required to reach a quorum.