Academic Board held a forum on Tuesday 31 May 2011 to engage with academic staff on what academic work and careers will look like in the future.
The higher education sector is facing a serious staff supply problem in many disciplines over the next five to ten years. UTS is developing strategies which seek to address this and other universities are already implementing strategies and new approaches.
Professor Belinda Probert, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), La Trobe University, and Professor Alan Rix, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Queensland spoke at the forum about aspects of the strategies adopted by their universities.
There was also a presentation and discussion of UTS proposals for a new academic career framework which aims to recognise different types of academic work and be attractive to current academics as well as to the next generation.
Presentations at the forum
Presentations are available to UTS staff only:
- Professor Belinda Probert presentation: Academic promotions at La Trobe (467kb PDF)
- Professor Alan Rix presentation: The academic career framework at the University of Queensland (94kb PDF)
- Academic Board Forum — The Future of Academic Work and Careers (455kb PDF)
Further reading
Further reading on this topic, available to UTS staff only: