We have the WIL, but what is the way?
On 21 October 2015, the Academic Board held a forum focused on work-integrated learning. Key questions were addressed from university and industry perspectives.
University perspective
- Why would UTS consider work-integrated learning?
- What would we aim for students to achieve from this experience?
- Will this experience increase student employability?
Industry perspective
- What is industry looking for when accepting students for a placement/internship?
- What skills would they wish students to have prior to their placement/internship?
- What value do they place on graduates having work-integrated learning during their course of study?
Speakers and their presentations
Note: Access to presentations is restricted to UTS staff only.
- Dr Brett Smout, Director, Student Services Unit, UTS: The UTS Perspective (1.1MB PDF)
- Associate Professor Angela Carbone, Director, Education Excellence, Office of the Vice-Provost (Learning and Teaching), Monash University: Incorporating Employability Skills in Teaching and Learning (2MB PDF)
- Claire Madden, social researcher, McCrindle: Social Research Perspectives (5.4MB PDF)
- Evan Clark, CEO, ClickView: Industry perspective (737kb PDF)
- Katherine Mackie, Head of Campus Talent Acquisition, Commonwealth Bank: Industry perspective (232kb PDF)
- Eily Hickson, Recruitment Senior Analyst, Accenture
Q&A with speakers
After morning tea, a Q&A with the speakers was moderated by Jenna Price, senior lecturer and journalism undergraduate coordinator, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UTS.