Council committees are focused skills-based bodies with the necessary technical expertise to deal with matters efficiently and effectively, and promote discussion of the relevant strategic issues at Council meetings.
Academic Board
Academic Board has specific delegations from Council for determining academic matters. Academic Board advises Council on the university's core business of teaching, learning and research.
Council works with Academic Board to ensure appropriate quality mechanisms are in place for assuring and enhancing academic provision and standards.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee provides independent assurance and assistance to the Council in relation to the university's risk, control and compliance framework, and its external accountability responsibilities.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee advises Council on matters relating to the distribution and supervision of university finances and acts on behalf of Council in areas of delegated authority.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee advises Council on matters relating to university governance, in particular on the planning and development of Council's skills, knowledge and experience.
Honorary Awards Committee
The Honorary Awards Committee advises Council on policy relating to honorary awards and recommends nominations for honorary awards.
Infrastructure Committee (formerly Physical Infrastructure Committee)
The Infrastructure Committee provides advice to Council on physical infrastructure, information technology infrastructure and precinct matters.
Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee recommends to Council candidates whom Council may either nominate to the minister for appointment as Council members or appoint as Council members.
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee advises Council on the Vice-Chancellor's and Provost's performance.
Student/Council Liaison Group
The Student/Council Liaison Group is a forum for UTS students, members of Council and UTS senior management to discuss matters of UTS policy and governance relevant to the student body.