The Governance Committee advises Council on matters relating to university governance, policy and specified risk matters to fulfil a strategic governance role.
Deborah Crook
Executive Officer (Governance Support)
telephone 02 9514 1240
Committee details
2025 meeting dates
Tuesday 8 April
Tuesday 3 June
Monday 21 July
Tuesday 23 September
Thursday 13 November
Time: meetings commence at various times, contact the Executive Officer for further information
Each meeting will be confirmed by the Chair.
Composition and membership
The Governance Committee consists of the following positions:
- Chancellor (Chair)
- Vice-Chancellor or nominee
- up to three members (who may also be members of Council), with particular skills and experience in governance matters
- University Secretary
Position | Membership | Current Term |
Chancellor (Chair) | Catherine Livingstone, AC | 1 November 2024 to 30 November 2025 |
Vice-Chancellor or nominee | Professor Andrew Parfitt | ex officio |
Council member | Dr John Laker, AO | 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2026 |
Council member | Antony Riordan | 1 November 2024 to 31 October 2026 |
University Secretary | William Paterson | ex officio |
Positions on the committee are in accordance with its composition.
The UTS Governance Committee Charter (PDF) outlines the committee's roles, responsibilities, composition and the manner in which it discharges its responsibilities for UTS.
The committee will:
a. advise Council on matters relating to the university’s governance framework
b. oversee the implementation of the UTS Council Performance Framework
c. oversee the UTS Policy Framework
Council performance
d. oversee, monitor and report to Council on the results and actions arising from the reviews conducted as part of the Governance Review Framework
Compliance Management Framework
e. oversee the UTS Compliance Policy and the Compliance Framework and consider attestation statements proposed for Council approval that are required by Commonwealth or State legislation
f. receive reports on new regulatory requirements, ensuring any consequential policies are developed and implemented to ensure compliance
g. assist Council in discharging its responsibility to exercise due care and skill in relation to the designated risks contained within the UTS Council Committees Risk Oversight Responsibilities Framework
Council membership and skills
h. oversee the UTS Council Skills and Experience Matrix with advice to Council, at least biennially, to either affirm its currency or to make recommendations for amendments
i. oversee the development and operation of Council’s induction and professional development program
Governance reporting
j. report to Council, at least annually, on UTS governance, including conformance with the Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Governance of Australian Universities
k. consider and advise Council on proposed amendments to the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989 (NSW), and proposed new and amended by-laws as may be required for the university under section 28 of the UTS Act
l. report to Council on any matters referred to it by Council and/or the Vice-Chancellor.
The committee will review its performance annually against the charter.
The quorum at any meeting of a Council committee or board, shall, unless another number is fixed for a particular committee or board, be one-half of the members of the committee or board for the time being but, if one-half is not a whole number, shall be the next higher whole number.