The Marketing Department offers courses at the undergraduate, honours, masters and PhD level. The UTS Model of Learning provides a framework for practice-oriented learning and teaching which takes place with a seamless integration of the best of online and face-to-face on-campus learning. We call this award-winning approach: learning.futures. Our new learning spaces facilitate collaboration and offer flexibility for formal and informal learning experiences.

The largest of our undergraduate programs is the Bachelor of Business degree, in which we offer a Marketing major and Advertising and Marketing Communications major, as well as sub-majors in Advertising, Marketing, Business Analytics in Marketing, and Strategic Marketing. An Honours program is also available. Students can also combine Marketing with other areas of study to build the degree structure that best suits their individual interests and careers.
Our most important postgraduate coursework programs are the Master of Marketing, the Master of Marketing (Extension) and the fully online Master of Digital Marketing. We also teach in the various MBA programs offered by the UTS Business School. The Marketing Department also provides a postgraduate research degree as part of the Doctor of Philosophy program (meet our current research students).
We take an innovative research-driven, practice-oriented approach to teaching, and our teaching program benefits from the input of practising marketers who bring their wide experience to the classroom.
Our staff members are award-winning teachers. Professor Paul F Burke is an outstanding contributor to University teaching and learning with awards from UTS in 2005 and 2010, with national recognition in the form of a Carrick Institute Citation in 2006, and most recently a citation from the Australian Learning & Teaching Council (ALTC). Dr Valéria Noguti and Associate Professor David Waller have also been awarded a UTS Teaching and Learning Citations for their work in developing and maintaining quality business education.
A number of staff members have authored widely acclaimed textbooks, including:
- Black, K., Asafu-Adjaye, J., Burke, P.F., Perera, N., Sherwood, C., & Wasimi, S.A. (2019) Business Analytics and Statistics, 1st Edition, Wiley
- Belch, G.E. Belch, M.A., Kerr, G., Powell, I., Waller, D. (2020) Advertising: An Integrated Marketing Communication Perspective 4th edition, McGraw-Hill Education
- Elliott, G., Rundle-Thiele, S., Waller, D.S., Bentrott, E. , Hatton-Jones, S., Jeans, P., Anandappa, J., & Campbell (2024) Marketing, 6th edition, John Wiley & Sons
- Polonsky, M. & Waller, D.S. (2018) Designing and Managing a Research Project: A Business Students Guide, 4th Edition, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, USA.
Students working on Capstone projects present their work to industry partners at 3M
Student Awards
Each year marketing students are eligible to win a number of awards including UTS Business School Marketing Prize, The Customer Service Institute of Australia Prize in Services Marketing (Undergraduate and Postgraduate), The Customer Service Institute of Australia EMBA Excellence Award in Marketing, Reckitt Benckiser Graduate Prize.
Mishon Wu (right), winner of the UTS Business School Marketing Prize in 2016, receives her award from Associate Professor Carrillat, Deputy Head (Research) of the Marketing Department
For specific Marketing subject contacts see our Subject Coordinators listing, and more general Marketing contact information is also available.