In recent years there has been an explosion in the use of digital media as means by which all kinds of information is transmitted. Marketers need to optimise the use of digital media to connect with their target audience in the most effective way.
Key Marketing researchers:
Key publications:
Noguti, V., & Waller, D.S. (2024). How the time of day impacts social media advertising outcomes on consumers, Marketing Intelligence and Planning 42(3), 418-437. .
Lu, S.Q., Singh, S., & de Roos, N (2023). Effects of online and offline advertising and their synergy on direct telephone sales, Journal of Retailing.
Noguti, V. (2022). Consumption of marketer-generated content: Consumers as curators of marketing messages that they consume on social media, European Journal of Marketing, 56(12), 3545-3567.
Singh, S., & Jang, S. (2022). Search, purchase, and satisfaction in a multiple-channel environment: How have mobile devices changed consumer behaviors?, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65(March), 102200.
Noguti, V., & Waller, D. S. (2020). Motivations to use social media: effects on the perceived informativeness, entertainment, and intrusiveness of paid mobile advertising. Journal of Marketing Management, 36(15-16), 1527-1555.
Dickenson, S., Mortimer, K., Kerr, G., Waller, D.S., & Kenrick, A. (2020). Power and responsibility: Advertising self‐regulation and consumer protection in a digital world. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 52(2), 675-700.
Lim, X-J., Cheah, J-H., Waller, D., Ting, H., & Ng, S. (2019). What S-commerce implies? Repurchase intention and its antecedents, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 38(6), 760-776.