Change the future of the world’s disruptive technologies with your innovations.

Bachelor of Information Technology
What is a Bachelor of Information Technology?
Information Technology (IT) is the broad and dynamic field of using computing technology to solve real-world problems. Bringing together a wide range of disciplines such as software development, data analytics, human-computer interaction, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and information systems, IT is the backbone of much of modern commerce and industry.
The Bachelor of IT degree is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of information technology, combining theoretical knowledge and practical skills in both computing and business analysis to bridge the gap between business needs and innovation.
IT professionals contribute to the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of technology systems and infrastructure.
What you’ll learn
You’ll develop a strong grounding in the fundamentals of IT while specialising in any of the core areas of study; Business Information Systems Management, Data Analytics, Enterprise Systems Development, Interaction Design, Networking and Cybersecurity, Computer Games and Animation, Data Analytics, Enterprise Systems Development, Interaction Design, Information Security, Networking and Cybersecurity.
You will also gain; strong technical skills in IT, skills in business analysis, problem solving, teamwork and communication, as you experience exposure to real IT problems.
Career Options
As a graduate in this field, you will be ready to work with other IT professionals as a:
- Business analyst
- Computer game designer/animator
- Cloud specialist
- Data analyst
- Database designer/manager
- IT architect
- IT project manager
- Network administrator/manager
- Software developer
- Systems analyst
- Web developer
- Interaction designer