This project investigated climatic high heat and the experience of members of the United Workers Union across Australia.

The project involved a national survey and interviews with UWU members, who work in industries including logistics, cleaning, agriculture, utilities, construction, food and hospitality, security and prisons, manufacturing, and transport and warehousing.
The project expands our understanding of the impacts of workplace heat, especially for indoor workers and those in lower paid jobs, through a focus on how workers themselves articulate their experiences and understand and exercise their agency at work.
Chief investigators:
Dr Elizabeth Humphrys
Professor James Goodman
Freya Newman
Funding body: United Workers Union
Project website:
Featured publication(s)
- Elizabeth Humphrys, James Goodman & Freya Newman (2022) ‘“Zonked the Hell Out”: Climate Change and Heat Stress at Work’, Economic and Labour Relations Review, online first. - Humphrys E and Newman F (Oct 2021) High Heat and Climate Change at Work: Report for the United Workers Union, Climate Justice Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney. - Humphrys E, Newman F and Goodman J (Nov 2020) Heat Stress and Work in the Era of Climate Change: What We Know, and What We Need to Learn, Centre for Future Work (The Australia Institute) and Climate Justice Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney.