C-SERC postgraduate students enjoy the support of our academics and the Centre’s collaborative culture of research excellence to develop the knowledge, skills and professional abilities to make an impact in academia, government, industry, or community organisations.

Current candidates
- Riikka Heikkinen – Social legitimacy of decarbonisation of energy
- Amy Lin – Wind farm development in Australia and Taiwan
- Liam McLoughlin - Climate Movement Strategy
- Bridget Mullany – The impact of coral reef restoration projects on coastal communities in the Philippines
- Matt Trull – Constructing climate scepticism in the media: How multifarious media frames hinder public belief in and action on climate change
- Eric Duku – Implications of Fisheries Governance for Livelihood and Well-being: Current Perspectives from Ghana’s Small-scale Fisheries
Completed candidates
- Dr Caroline Colton – The imitation economy: How AT&T’s contestability doctrine transformed the neoliberal project
- Dr Nandita Das – Bio-politics of climate change governance –the Australian narrative
- Dr Sonia Garcia Garcia – Policy disconnections in the regulation of sustainable seafood in Australia
- Dr Manju Menon – Making new environmental knowledges: large dams in Northeast India
- Dr Matt Johnson – Mining the high frontier: sovereignty, property and humankind's common heritage in outer space
- Dr Christopher Odeyemi – Climate change and civil conflict: the contributions of UNSC, UNFCCC, EU and G8 countries
- Dr Ruchira Talukhdar – Environmental movements: bridging the North-South divide
- Dr Raymond Ayilu – The Blue Economy in West Africa: Livelihoods of small-scale fisheries
- Dr Kathy Drayton – The Weather Diaries: a personal journey into the impact of climate change
- Dr Nicole Gooch – The Goro nickel mine: An environmental experiment in New Caledonia
- Dr Alana West – Feminist energy democracy: a comparative ethnography of renewable energy in regional Australia
Banner photograph: Alex Fillipe