Learn how to cope with the pressures of study, work and life.
Workshops and group counselling sessions
Our workshops and groups are now being delivered either in-person or via Zoom.
We run a number of group counselling and workshops throughout the year, including Autumn, Spring and Summer sessions.
Note: Faculties and units may request for workshops to be run outside of the current scheduled dates and for workshops to be tailored to specific students and issues.
Procrastinate Less Group
- Do you put off studying and working on assignments?
- Do you often wait for that 'perfect' timing or 'perfect' sentence, before making yourself start again?
- Do you struggle to deal with imperfection?
- Do you struggle to complete tasks?
If so, you might be one of the many students who procrastinate. You might benefit from attending this four-week group session. Each week you will learn a range of different skills that can help you manage your procrastination habit, including group discussion, mindfulness exercise, practical tools and group support.
Sessions for Spring 2024 will be on campus
Date: Tuesdays, 3 September, 10 September, 17 September, 24 September
Time: 4 pm to 5.30 pm
Location: to be confirmed
Register at: https://forms.uts.edu.au/index.cfm?formid=519
If you have any questions please contact Annie Zhou.
Mindfulness for Academic Success
About Mindfulness for Academic Success
Mindfulness for Academic Success (MAS) is a four-session educational program that was developed at Monash University. The program will introduce Mindfulness Meditation skills and show you how to apply these to your unique academic challenges. Challenges might include managing stress, increasing attention and concentration capacities, overcoming procrastination and developing better study habits.
What happens in a class?
The class will also contain some small and large group discussion, some participation in learning exercises and some didactic presentation. You’ll be given a chance to talk about your experiences during the class but there will be no pressure to speak in the large group. An integral part of the course is about 10 minutes of home practice a day. You’ll be given a link to guided mp3s to support you in this.
The Monash MAS group has been evaluated and results have shown that many students do find the program very helpful in responding to academic challenges. Many have reported incidental benefits such as improved relationships, better eating habits and greater self-awareness and self-acceptance.
This group is currently paused. If you have any questions please email Vivilia Widjaja.
Drop-in Mindfulness Meditation
Have you noticed that when you’re stressed or upset, people often say, “Don’t worry about it, just be in the present moment”. This is easy to say but much harder to do. Mindfulness meditation can assist with bringing your attention to the present moment and can also encourage more awareness of times when your attention is elsewhere. These attentional skills can be helpful for both academic and life success. In these 40-minute sessions, you will be guided through a mindfulness practice, encouraged to reflect on your experience and hear tips designed to support you in developing your practice.
This group is currently paused. If you have any questions please email Vivilia Widjaja.
Returning Home Workshop
This is a workshop for all UTS International Students who are returning home. The workshop aims at preparing students for their return to their home countries. Topics covered include:
- strategies for career preparation after studying in Australia
- potential adjustment issues when students return home and strategies to deal with them
- reflection of personal achievements from students' experience studying in Australia.
If you have any questions, please email Matthew Vaughan.
Managing Exam and Assessment Anxiety Workshop
Minimise the negative impact that anxiety has on your study and exam performance? Check if this workshop is relevant to you.
Mental Health Awareness for UTS Staff
Information and skills in recognising early signs of mental health, academic support processes and making referrals.
- What we know of the challenges of living with the impacts of a mental health condition and the voices of those students with lived experiences are central to the workshop.
- We explain referral processes for UTS Counselling and how the Accessibility service works.
- We work to run the program for specific groups of staff so that we can address the information and skills each particular group are interested in.
- The workshop is run collaboratively between UTS Counselling, Accessibility and Batyr.
If you have any questions and/or are interested in us running a session for your team please email Alexandra.Mackenzie@uts.edu.au