Training requirements
UTS staff, contractors, sub-contractors and their staff who will be undertaking construction* and building maintenance work must complete the following training:
General Construction Induction training
All persons who carry out construction work must attend this 'White Card' training, which is delivered by a WorkCover NSW-approved Registered Training Organisation (RTO).
This training provides an awareness and understanding of:
- the rights and responsibilities under work health and safety legislation,
- common hazards and risks in the construction industry,
- basic risk management principles, and
- the standard of behaviour expected of workers on construction sites.
SafeWork NSW provides further information on General construction induction RTOs (opens an external site).
The construction induction card provides proof of completion of WHS General Construction Induction training.
All consultants and contractors working for UTS must comply with university policy and procedures as well as meeting legislative requirements. Information, forms, guidelines and induction links that are required by UTS are outlined below.
Contractor Induction
UTS uses the Rapid Global online contractor management system and requires all contractors to complete the contractor registration process when invited by a UTS representative. Upon completing the registration process you will activate a ‘My Rapid’ account which will enable you to manage your inductees and company details/insurances etc. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that their employees and subcontractors undertake the UTS inductions in the ‘My Rapid’ portal before undertaking any construction, installation or maintenance work at UTS.
All contractor and sub-contractor personnel must report to the UTS Security Office prior to commencing work on site to retrieve access cards/keys. They will need to show evidence of completion of General OH&S Induction Training and Work Activity OH&S Induction Training (ie “White Card”). Security will be able to use the Rapid Global system to ensure that the correct inductions have been undertaken before issuing access cards/key.
As a contractor, you need to fully implement the requirements of the UTS Construction Contractors Site EHS Manual.

Worksite-specific induction training
For all persons who carry out construction work at UTS.
This training covers safety information and risk control measures specific to the work site.
The training is delivered by the worksite project manager or supervisor.
Before entry into laboratories and workshops the UTS Project Manager must arrange safety induction by the supervisor of the facility. This safety induction explains any technical hazards within the laboratory / workshop in which the work is to be conducted.
Task-specific training
For persons performing high-risk construction work.
Typically, this training is provided by persons in control of the work, such as the principal contractor or supervisor of construction worker.
Construction work is defined in Clause 289 of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 (opens an external site) and covers the repair and maintenance of buildings.
Large construction sites that are entirely physically separated from UTS are responsible for managing all their own induction training.