Policy and strategy
UTS Sustainability Policy
The UTS Sustainability Policy outlines UTS's sustainability principles and commitments, and articulates the university's governance, ownership and reporting requirements.
Consistent with its vision and values, UTS integrates sustainability principles into the key functional areas of teaching and learning, research, operations, and partnerships and engagement.
Other related policies include:
- The Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy which outlines the social, ethical and behavioural standards expected at UTS as part of our core values under the UTS 2027 Strategy.
- The Procurement Policy which establishes principles and requirements for the acquisition of goods and services for UTS, and standards of behaviour for staff and affiliates undertaking procurement activities.
UTS Sustainability Strategy
Climate change poses significant threats to the future of our planet and we face numerous ever-evolving societal challenges. As educators at the forefront of research, technology, and innovation UTS is analysing the nature of these challenges and developing creative and innovative solutions.
The Sustainability Strategy is a whole-of-organisation strategy that aligns with the goals and activities of the UTS 2027 Strategy, Model of Learning and Research Strategy.
The Strategy outlines UTS’s sustainability vision and aspirations, setting the long-term direction towards a more sustainable university. The Strategy:
fosters sustainability values and principles for students, staff and the wider community
embeds sustainability compliance into core activities
identifies clear delivery outcomes, success measures, goals and targets
uses these measures to continually improve the university’s sustainability performance and impact
Our Vision
Our vision is that sustainability is embedded into all areas of the university and continual improvement in sustainability performance is delivered.
Our Commitment
As a public purpose institution UTS is committed to supporting positive change and extending our impact beyond our campus boundaries in order to transform society. Through our sustainable practices, engagement with diverse communities and innovative solutions to society’s big challenges, we will contribute to a more just and equitable world.
Achieving our sustainability goals requires consistent and ongoing positive changes to our activities, systems and processes, and behaviour. We are committed to:
Finding practical solutions to real-world problems through our research by working collaboratively within and across disciplines and leveraging our partnerships locally and globally
Equipping our students with the skills, knowledge and values to act as problem solvers, change agents and leaders
Empowering our alumni to be facilitators and leaders in their fields
Leading by example through our operations with exceptional sustainability performance
Our Strategy
Our Sustainability Strategy encompasses the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainability and provides a framework for sustainable activities and practices at UTS.
We are committed to embedding sustainability into our core activities: Education, Research and Operations. For each of these Domains priority actions are outlined with timeframes for delivery, expected outcomes and success measures.
Six Cross-cutting Themes form part of our systems-thinking approach, flow though our core activities and represent our distinctive identity and sustainable partnerships model: Connecting with Country, Social Justice & Inclusion, Demonstrating Leadership, Partnerships & Networks, Engagement and Communication.
Four Enablers form the foundations that allow us to deliver our Strategy and underpin our ability to achieve our Vision: our People & Culture, Campus Infrastructure, Systems & Processes, and Governance.
Download a high resolution version of 'Sustainability Strategy 2023 - 2027' graphic (PDF, 1.6MB)

Each of us has a role to play in working towards a just transition to a sustainable future, and it is through collaboration that we can achieve our sustainability goals.
Ways you can help UTS achieve our Sustainability goals.
Join a student group like the EnviroCollective or EcoSoc and participate in campaigns, protests, and fundraisers
Sign up to UTS SOUL, learn new skills and give back to the community
Join the UTS BUILD program, to harness your leadership potential and develop competencies as a global citizen
Participate in Green Week and Global Goals Month activities
Take sustainability-focused subjects
BYO cups and food containers
Travel to campus sustainably using public transport or active transport, like walking or cycling.
Incorporate the UN Sustainable Development Goals into your teaching
Embed sustainability into your course
Undertake and promote research that has a positive impact on sustainable development
Consider the sustainability and ethical impacts of your research work
Participate in campus events like Global Climate Change Week (Oct) and Global Goals Month (Sept)
Shift your superannuation to fossil-free. Most funds, including UniSuper, offer fossil fuel free options. See example here
Attend international and interstate conferences virtually where possible.
Embed sustainability into your policies and procedures. Ask us how
Procure goods and services sustainably and ethically. Here’s how
Pick up sustainability tips by listening to 2SER’s Think: Sustainability podcast
Shift your superannuation to fossil-free. Most funds, including UniSuper, offer fossil fuel free options. See example here
Take social justice leave and volunteer your time, skills and expertise to the community.