Sustainability is at the core of the university’s vision and is embedded in the UTS 2027 Strategy.
UTS's Sustainability Framework consists of:
- The Sustainability Policy, which outlines the university's commitment to sustainability
- The Sustainability Strategy, which implements the university's sustainability commitments and articulates outcomes and success measures.
- The annual Sustainability Report, which outlines the university's sustainability performance and progress against the university's sustainability commitments.
UTS is a signatory to:
- The University Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which affirms the university's intention to support and promote the SDGs through research, education and operations, as well as report on activities in support of the goals.
- The United Nations Global Compact which supports organisations to do business responsibly by aligning strategies and operations with Ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and to take strategic actions to advance societal goals with an emphasis on collaboration and innovation.
- The United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative which brings together business schools around the world to inspire and champion responsible management education, research and thought leadership through a Principles-based approach to integrating sustainable development.
- The Climate Emergency Declaration which is an action taken by the university to acknowledge that humanity is in a climate crisis with the aim of initiating society-wide mobilisation.
- The Race to Zero which is a global campaign to take rigorous and immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030 and deliver a healthier, fairer, net zero world.
UTS has a long history of commitment to sustainability principles and practices. Here is a timeline of the university's significant sustainability achievements:
Download a high resolution version of 'Our Sustainability Journey' graphic (PDF, 314KB)

UTS has a Sustainability Steering Committee which is chaired by the Chief Operating Officer and meets quarterly. The Committee comprises senior executives and managers across academic and professional areas and student representatives. The Committee:
- Provides leadership
- Guides the strategic direction of sustainability at UTS
- Oversees the Sustainability Strategy and associated plans
- Assists with the integration of sustainability into the university's activities
- Improves sustainable practices
- Monitors compliance against the Strategy
- Reports performance
The Sustainability Steering Committee is supported by a number of Working Groups which implement plans and activities and report to and advise the Committee.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Working Group is chaired by the Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures and meets bi-monthly. The SDGs Working Group includes academic and professional representatives and:
- Supports and promotes the principles of the SDGs
- Undertakes research that provides solutions to sustainable development challenges
- Provides the educational support for our students to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development
- Contributes to the achievement of the SDGs by ensuring our campuses and major programs are environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive
The Climate Action Working Group is chaired by the Director of the Institute for Sustainable Futures and meets bi-monthly. The Climate Action Working Group includes academic and professional representatives and aims to:
- Scale the impact of UTS activities in relation to climate change
- Develop collaborative vehicles to support increasing UTS's climate impact
- Support and communicate UTS's unique and transdisciplinary contribution to action on climate change
- Undertake research, teaching and engagement that provides solutions to climate change challenges
- Provide the educational opportunity for our students to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to have an impact in the area of climate change
- Contribute to the achievement of climate goals by ensuring our campuses and major programs are contributing appropriately.