At UTS we strive to maximise recycling and minimise waste going to landfill, with only around 15% of our operational waste going to landfill. A comprehensive Waste Management Plan provides the framework for how all waste is managed across the campus.
Our 'co-mingled' general waste bins get sorted off campus and recyclable material such as paper, cardboard, plastic, metals, etc get removed for recycling.
In addition, in some parts of the campus where high volume or specific wastes are produced, there are also specialised bins for;
- Paper and cardboard
- E-waste – computers, mobiles and toner cartridges
- Polystyrene
- Fluoro tubes and bulbs
- Construction waste
- Batteries
- Food waste
Minimising waste
Just as important as recycling is minimising waste in the first place. Ways we reduce waste include;
- Greener purchasing – minimising unnecessary procurement, choosing more efficient products, and helping to ‘close-the-loop’ by purchasing new products made from recycled materials.
- Refilling water bottles – encouraging all students and staff to re-fill.
- Going digital where ever possible, reducing printing and paper consumption.
- Reducing disposable cups – campus retailers offer discounts and incentives for BYO refillable cups and food containers.
- Books - borrowing books from the Library is more sustainable than buying your own. Borrowing, swapping and renting is a good idea.
UTS tracks the amount of waste generated across the University including recycling rates and waste disposal to landfill. Waste streams measured and reported include co-mingled recycling, office paper, cardboard, food organics, green waste, ewaste and waste to landfill. The University reports these annually to TEFMA (Tertiary Education Facilities Management Association), and also in our Annual Sustainability Reports. In 2022 UTS recycled 70% of our general waste.
Hazardous waste
Hazardous waste is any material that carries the risk of potential harm to public health or the environment. UTS Safety & Wellbeing coordinates the safe collection and disposal of hazardous waste generated as by-products from UTS's teaching and research activities.
There is an online chemical inventory database to help staff manage chemical stocks in accordance with requirements. The system helps prevent unnecessary purchasing (and storage) of chemicals by allowing staff to search for chemicals already stored at the university. This saves time and money and prevents the build-up of chemicals. Since the system was introduced over 11,000 chemicals have been listed and staff from over 100 locations are now using it.
Chemical, clinical and biological wastes are collected and disposed of by licensed specialists. Contact Safety & Wellbeing if you have a question about the disposal of hazardous waste at UTS.
Ways you can help
- In offices and labs it's best to place paper in the dedicated paper recycling bins. If you need one email
- Recycle e-waste, batteries and print cartridges
- Print double-sided, reduce your printing margins and use scrap paper to print drafts. Even better, go digital and avoid printing altogether
- Print multiple pages to one
- In the Food Court make sure all compostable packaging goes in the correct compostable bin (the maroon one)
- BYO cup to cafés and food outlets.
- Use refillable water bottles
- Buy second hand books and other items