Public transport is the key mode of transport to UTS with approximately 83% of students and 72.6% of staff using public transport to travel to the City Campus. Public transport to UTS is excellent, with the city campus located at Central train and bus interchange, and close to light rail.
Sustainable commuting
UTS has a Sustainable Campus Travel Plan which was informed by a staff and student travel survey in 2023 that measured a number of aspects including commuting modal split. Targets have been set to encourage a shift towards more sustainable and active transport commuting.
Whilst only 12% of staff and 5% of students indicated that they travel to campus by car in the 2023 survey, we have targets to shift towards more sustainable transport modes by improving access, safety, amenity, and convenience for travel to/from and within the UTS campuses and through establishing a culture of active and public transport use. By 2028, we hope to reduce this to 9% of staff and 2% of students.
There are multiple cycling facilities around campus, with secure bike parking, showers, and maintenance stands. The university also supports carpooling.

Car parking at the city campus is very limited and nearby public parking stations are fairly expensive. There are a number of shared pool vehicles for staff use available through Facilities Management.
With approximately 35,000 students and 3000 staff UTS is a major ‘trip generator’ and continually collects and analyses data on travel patterns in an effort to continually improve sustainable transport options for staff, students and visitors.
Getting around UTS City Campus
Well-established pedestrian infrastructure and links are provided in and around the UTS City Campus including pedestrian walkways such as the Goods Line and Jones Street which is a designated shared path for pedestrians and cyclists. The Devonshire Street pedestrian tunnel provides connections to and from key public transport facilities as well as between campus buildings. Pedestrian crossings are provided at key intersections.
Below is a preferred paths around campus map.