Students wishing to study Language and Culture subjects in the School of International Studies are required to complete the Language Subject Details section of the UTS Online e-Request.
There are five questions in this section:
- Do you have previous knowledge of the language you wish to study?
- Did you study this language at high school?
- Have you studied this language at university level?
- Enter the number of years if you answered Yes above
- Which UTS language level do you think best reflects your skills?
You’ll also be required to complete a supporting statement to demonstrate your previous language experience. The language level assessment will determine your language proficiency so you can be placed in the right level when it comes to class allocations. Your level of study will determine the sequence of subjects on your study plan.
You will also be required to attend a language level assessment session where one of our assessors will assess your language skills. If you are a beginner you will not be required to attend a language level assessment session, you will be automatically allocated to the level 1 subject.