This is the third year of your combined degree.
Your studies should be a combination of your third Language and Culture subject as well as subjects in your professional degree.
Typical study program
Autumn/First session: April-August
- Continue your combined study
- Attend the mandatory first briefing for your In-country study preparation
- Notification of briefing dates and times will be sent to your UTS student email
- The briefing will cover information about: Conditions of participation, Universities available for In-country study and Passport information
- Note what host university/city you can choose from; accommodation options and costs associated; and conduct research on the locations
- If you have a pre-existing medical condition, please let your Major Coordinator know
- Sign online Conditions of participation document (you will be emailed about this)
- Submit a copy of your passport photo page and evidence of passport validity (this will need to show at least six months validity from the date of completion of your year overseas)
- Nominate host university
- Please note that UTS:International Studies cannot guarantee students will be accepted into their first choice of In-country university
- Your ICS Major Coordinator will notify you of your host university
- It is recommended that you initiate contact with recent In-country study returnees from your location (via Facebook/email)
- Enquire re OS HELPS loans and with Centrelink about additional financial assistance
- Enquire with professional degree home faculty about the possibility of internships at home or in your In-country study location
Spring/Second session: August-October
- Continue your combined study
Your studies should be a combination of your fourth Language and Culture subject, Contemporary Society subject as well as subjects in your professional degree - The Contemporary Society subject will provide a snapshot about the region in which you will be placed
- Attend the second mandatory briefing for your In-country study preparation
- Notification of briefing dates and times will be sent to your UTS student email
- The briefing will cover information about: In-country study locations, expectations for study in these areas, assessment tasks that you will undertake during your placement, visa and accommodation information, and student travel application form (to be completed at the briefing) and a pre-existing health condition form (a form will be provided to you)
- Apply to host university (if this has not been required earlier)
- Apply for visa, or assemble relevant documents for same when in country
- Apply for accommodation
- Return your pre-existing health condition form (if applicable) to UTS: International Studies
- Draft a Travel Management Plan in tandem with Accessibility Services where needed
- Finalise financial arrangements (OS HELPS; Centrelink; scholarships; work)
- Liaise with your prospective host university
- Liaise with those currently at your location for handy hints
- Attend academic and administrative briefings on Year 4 studies and requirements
- Attend the third mandatory briefing for your In-country study preparation
- Notification of briefing dates and times will be sent to your UTS student email
- At the briefing you will: Receive your air-ticket and pre-departure pack, be asked to complete and sign an Acceptance of Tickets form, be provided with information on insurance requirements, and rehearse all the final pre-departure details with your In-country studies Major Coordinator.
Note: UTS:International Studies will enrol students into ICS and Fieldwork Project 1 and ICS Fieldwork Project 2 for 2019.