Occasionally, students choose to complete both the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science and the Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Management. To enable this, students are required to apply through UAC . When enrolling in the second degree, a minimum of 8 subjects are required (i.e. a maximum of 16 subjects may be credited from the first degree). Therefore, students should be wary of what subjects they select as electives in their first degree. If a student elects too many core subjects from the second degree, there will not be enough subjects remaining to be eligible to enrol in the second degree. Please note that there is no mid-year intake for either of these degrees. Please choose one of the following scenarios for details on successful completion of both degrees.
Sport and Exercise Management graduates
Enrolling in Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Science major)
Subjects completed in Sport and Exercise Management that are in common with Sport and Exercise Science (Exercise Science major) include:
- 92511 Structural Anatomy
- 92512 Biomechanics of Human Motion
- 92515 Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking or 21655 Sport and Society (up until 2026)
- 92521 Functional Anatomy
- 92523 Strength and Conditioning
- 92526 Data Management in Sport and Exercise or 21658 Australian Sport System (up until 2026)
- 92530 Sport and Exercise Psychology
- 92533 Exercise Physiology
- 92536 Research Methods for Sport and Exercise
- 92543 Exercise Prescription
- 92547 Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity
- 92553 Complex Exercise Management (not students who commence SEM from 2024)
- Elective 1 # (if a core subject from SES is chosen)
- Elective 2 # (if a core subject from SES is chosen)
- Elective 3 # (if a core subject from SES is chosen, not students who commence SEM from 2024)
- Elective 4 # (if a core subject from SES is chosen, not students who commence SEM from 2024)
- Compulsory Transdisciplinary Elective (if student commenced SEM from 2024)
The remaining subjects that must be completed include:
- 91429 Physiological Bases of Human Movement
- 92524 Health and Lifespan Development
- 92542 Applied Biomechanics
- 92544 Health Promotion and Physical Activity
- 92554 Exercise Assessment, Prescription and Delivery
- 92550 Sport and Exercise Science Practicum
- 92553 Complex Exercise Management (if not completed above)
- 92555 Motor Learning and Control (Requisite for 92554 – Choose as elective in SEM)
- 92562 Exercise Rehabilitation
- 92563 Applied Exercise Physiology
- 92565 Skill Acquisition
- Elective 1 # (any core subject from SEM may be used as RPL)
- Compulsory Transdisciplinary Elective (if not completed above)
For students who commenced SEM prior to 2024, both 92515 Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking and 92526 Data Management in Sport and Exercise were not part of the SEM degree.
Students may submit an e-request for 21655 Sport and Society and 21658 Australian Sport System to be used as a subject substitution for one or both of these subjects.
# Note: In certain circumstances, students may have undertaken some of the above core subjects as electives in their SEM degree. These may be exempted (RPL) but a maximum of 16 subjects can be recognised for prior learning (since a minimum of 8 subjects must be completed in the SES degree). If a student gains RPL for more than 16 subjects, they will be required to select additional electives so that the minimum number of 8 subjects is completed.
Enrolling in Sport and Exercise Science (No specified major)
Subjects completed in Sport and Exercise Management that are in common with Sport and Exercise Science (No specified major) include:
- 92511 Structural Anatomy
- 92512 Biomechanics of Human Motion
- 92515 Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking or 21655 Sport and Society (up until 2026)
- 92521 Functional Anatomy
- 92523 Strength and Conditioning
- 92526 Data Management in Sport and Exercise or 21658 Australian Sport System (up until 2026)
- 92530 Sport and Exercise Psychology
- 92533 Exercise Physiology
- 92536 Research Methods for Sport and Exercise
- 92543 Exercise Prescription
- 92547 Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity
- 92551 Sport and Exercise Internship
- 92553 Complex Exercise Management (not students commencing from 2024)
- Elective 1 # (any core subject from SEM may be used as RPL)
- Elective 2 # (any core subject from SEM may be used as RPL)
- Elective 3 # (any core subject from SEM may be used as RPL)
- Compulsory Transdisciplinary Elective (if student commenced SEM from 2024)
The remaining subjects that must be completed include:
- 91429 Physiological Bases of Human Movement
- 92524 Health and Lifespan Development
- 92542 Applied Biomechanics
- 92544 Health Promotion and Physical Activity
- 92553 Complex Exercise Management (if not completed above)
- 92555 Motor Learning and Control
- 92563 Applied Exercise Physiology
- 92565 Skill Acquisition
- Compulsory Transdisciplinary Elective (if not completed above)
# Note: In certain circumstances, students may have undertaken some of the above core subjects as electives in their SEM degree. These may be exempted but a maximum of 16 subjects can be recognised for prior learning (since a minimum of 8 subjects must be completed in the SES degree). If a student gains RPL for more than 16 subjects, they will be required to select additional electives so that the minimum number of 8 subjects is completed.
Sport and Exercise Science graduates
Enrolling in Sport and Exercise Management
Subjects completed in Sport and Exercise Science that are in common with Sport and Exercise Management include:
- 92511 Structural Anatomy
- 92512 Biomechanics of Human Motion
- 92515 Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking or 21655 Sport and Society (up until 2026)
- 92521 Functional Anatomy
- 92523 Strength and Conditioning
- 92526 Data Management in Sport and Exercise or 21658 Australian Sport System (up until 2026)
- 92530 Sport and Exercise Psychology
- 92533 Exercise Physiology
- 92536 Research Methods for Sport and Exercise
- 92543 Exercise Prescription
- 92547 Nutrition for Health and Physical Activity
- 92551 Sport and Exercise Internship (92550 Sport and Exercise Science Practicum may be substituted for 92551)
- Compulsory Transdisciplinary Elective (if student commenced SEM from 2024)
- Elective 1 # (or any other core subject)
- Elective 2 # (or any other core subject)
- Elective 3 # (or any other core subject)
The remaining subjects that must be completed include:
- 92515 Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Thinking or 21655 Sport and Society (whichever is missing)
- 92526 Data Management in Sport and Exercise or 21658 Australian Sport System (whichever is missing)
- 21212 People and Organisations
- 22108 Accounting and Accountability
- 21646 Managing Professional Sport
- 24109 Marketing and Customer Value
- 21640 Event Management
- 21656 Sport Marketing and Media
- 21665 Managing Legal Issues
- Compulsory Transdisciplinary Elective (if not completed above)
# Note: In certain circumstances, students may have undertaken some of the above core subjects as electives in their SES degree. These may be exempted but a maximum of 16 subjects can be recognised for prior learning (since a minimum of 8 subjects must be completed in the SEM degree). If a student gains RPL for more than 16 subjects, they will be required to select additional electives so that the minimum number of 8 subjects is completed.

Postgraduate study
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Course guides
Clinical Exercise Physiology (PDF, 2.1MB)
Diabetes Education and Management (PDF, 0.3MB)
High Performance Sport (PDF, 4.5MB)
Graduate Diploma Midwifery (PDF, 0.1MB)
Palliative Care (PDF, 1.9MB)
Graduate School of Health (PDF, 4.2MB)
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