As a postgraduate research candidate there are a number of University and Faculty requirements that you must meet. Failure to meet these requirements can result in your candidature being discontinued.
Code of practice
for supervisors, advisors and research degree candidates
You can either:
- download a copy of Code of practice for supervisors, advisors and research degree candidates (PDF, 55kB), or
- view it online at
Review of progress
It is a University requirement for all research students who are enrolled that a review of progress report be completed and submitted for Autumn and Spring semesters each year. If you have been on leave of absence or under examination for that semester you will not be required to complete a progress report (Rule and
Review of progress is available for students to download from the Research Degree Forum on Canvas and have a due date by which they have to be returned to the Faculty.
Note: It is the student's responsibility to ensure that their review of progress is completed and signed by the Principal supervisor and Co-supervisor and submitted by the due date. Failure to submit progress reports by the due date can affect your candidature.
Doctoral Study Plan
Study Plan is a tool for integrating subjects, workshops, master classes and modules into a coherent program over the candidature. The Study Plan is negotiated between the student and supervisor/s and together they identify the components of the program for that individual based on the student’s academic and professional experiences and goals. is also used to monitor and report on the student’s progress throughout their candidature. You are required to complete a study plan once per year The study plan will be reviewed at the end of each semester in June and December against the goals set in the plan and this will be documented in the submission of Review of Progress for each semester.
Study Plan is available for students to download from the Research Degree Forum on Canvas.
Find out more about the doctoral study plan or download a template and example.
Candidature stages and Assessments
All Health research students undertake the work of their degree within the UTS candidature plan. This plan provides the opportunity for all research students and supervisors to program modules which will build researcher skills, capacity and knowledge. Modules may be Faculty based or cross disciplinary with the program addressing the individual student’s research needs.
Research Students enrolled pre 2012 undertake one only assessment within the framework of the Health candidature plan.
Research Students enrolled from 2012 onwards (new Doctoral Study Plan (DSP)) i.e. from January 2012, are engaged in the new UTS Doctoral candidature framework which has three stage candidature assessment requirements, or the Masters candidature framework which has two candidature assessment requirements. Both are outlined as below:
Masters Study Plan (MSP) - Stage 1 and Stage 3
Doctoral Study Plan (DSP) - Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3
Stage 1 - Assessment (Masters and Doctoral degrees): Confirmation of candidature
Each research degree student is required to undertake either a doctoral or masters stage 1 assessment. This is to ensure that candidates have made sufficient progress, have the knowledge and capacity to carry out the planned research program and will be able to finish in the prescribed time. This process confirms the student’s candidature in the degree and allows them to proceed with the proposed research project to complete their degree. The student submits a research proposal and panel interviews the student. Students who satisfy the requirements of the assessment and whose candidature is confirmed have the approval of the Faculty and the University to continue with their planned research and in their current degree (contingent on any recommendations or requirements from the Assessment Panel). Students who do not satisfy the requirements of the Assessment are normally invited to re-attempt the Assessment six months after they have been notified in writing of the unsatisfactory outcome.
Stage 2 - Assessment (Doctoral degrees only): Confirmation of advanced progress
Each Doctoral research degree student is required to undertake a stage 2 assessment. This is to ensure that candidates have made sufficient progress and will be able to finish in the prescribed time. This process formally confirms advanced progression to complete their degree. The student submits a document comprising of the draft chapters (3-4) of the thesis and a copy of the manuscript submitted and/or journal receipt of submission for panel to review. The panel interviews the student. Students who satisfy the requirements of the assessment receive formal confirmation that their research work has advanced progress and have the approval of the Faculty and the University to continue with their planned research advancing towards the Stage 3 assessment in their current degree (contingent on any recommendations or requirements from the Assessment Panel). Students who do not satisfy the requirements of the Assessment are normally invited to re-attempt the Assessment six months after they have been notified in writing of the unsatisfactory outcome
Stage 3 - Assessment (Masters and Doctoral degrees): Confirmation of readiness to submit
Each research degree student is required to undertake a doctoral or masters stage 3 assessment. This process formally confirms that the student has advanced progression and is ready to submit the research thesis for examination. This must be completed before the thesis is submitted for examination and should be held within the final six months before submission. The student submits a written proposal and 20-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute question time to an audience of their peers and a panel. Students who satisfy the requirements of the assessment is formally confirmed that their research thesis are ready for submission to the examiners and have the approval of the Faculty and the University to continue with their planned research (contingent on any recommendations or requirements from the Assessment Panel). Students who do not satisfy the requirements of the Assessment are normally invited to re-attempt the Assessment six months after they have been notified in writing of the unsatisfactory outcome.
A detailed Stage 1, 2 and 3 Assessment guidelines are available to download from the Research Degree Forum on Canvas.
Research student forum
It is a requirement of the Faculty that research degree candidates attend the research student forum (RSF) (see Faculty Handbook). The forums take place twice a year in June and December. The forum is an important opportunity to present your work-in-progress to peers and staff and usually features some practical workshops, but mainly presentations are by research students for research students. It is a place for supporting each other, giving/gaining new ideas, and getting inspired about your own and other's research. If you are unable to attend you need to contact the Research Administration Officer. It is expected that all students will attend unless exceptional circumstances arise. Full time students are required to present at the RSF every semester and part time students present once every year (alternate semesters) during their candidature.
Find out more about research student forums.
Changes in your details
All students are expected to notify the Research Administration Officer of changes of address, email address, phone numbers, supervision arrangements and candidature details. This is vital as we require current details in order to contact you about matters affecting your candidature. Students need to keep their contact details up to date (address and phone number) via My Student Admin (you will need your student ID number and UTS email password).
Please also ensure that you inform the Research Administration Officer and your supervisors of any changes to your contact details.

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Postgraduate Info
Course guides
Clinical Exercise Physiology (PDF, 2.1MB)
Diabetes Education and Management (PDF, 0.3MB)
High Performance Sport (PDF, 4.5MB)
Graduate Diploma Midwifery (PDF, 0.1MB)
Palliative Care (PDF, 1.9MB)
Graduate School of Health (PDF, 4.2MB)
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