At UTS Business School, we encourage every student to explore the possibility of undertaking an internship or work integrated learning experience.
Welcome to UTS Business Internships
At UTS Business School, we encourage every student to explore the possibility of undertaking an internship or work-integrated learning experience. We have a dedicated team responsible for providing students with career preparation training and support. Students can choose to complete an internship as part of a formal subject.
Undergraduate Internship
The 26600 Business Internship subject offers you the opportunity to:
- Gain hands-on experience
- Strengthen your skills
- Enhance your learning
- Apply your academic knowledge in a workplace
This is an elective subject for students enrolled in their penultimate and final year of the Bachelor of Business, the Bachelor of Management, or the Bachelor of Economics, and combined degrees with Business. The assessments complement and enhance the learning journey and provide you with an opportunity to think about your future career and how to achieve these goals.
Please check the credit point requirements and ensure you have not completed any anti-requisite subjects listed on the 26600 Business Internship page in the UTS Handbook.
Key Enrolment Dates for 2024/2025
Enrolment close on:
- Monday, 2 December 2024 for the December session
- Monday, 3 February 2025 for the February session
- Monday, 7 April 2025 for the April session
- Monday, 2 June 2025 for the June session
- Monday, 4 August 2025 for the August session
- Tuesday, 7 October 2025 for the October session
- Monday, 1 December 2025 for the December session
IMPORTANT steps before enrolling in the Business Internship subject
Step 1: Complete the Career Design and Preparation Programme (CCDP)
This covers everything from how to create your application documents to how to source an internship and how to effectively market yourself to prospective employers.
Complete the CDPP and the final Quiz and obtain at least 80%. Take a screenshot of your score, as you will need to include this in the workflow below.
Visit your Canvas course site (Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Management, and Bachelor of Economics) to access CDPP. If you cannot access your Canvas course site, please lodge a ticket with ServiceConnect.
Step 2: Secure an internship
Check your internship meets the following criteria:
- Learning opportunities: The internship should provide opportunities for learning about business and/or managerial functions.
- Supervision and mentorship: The host organisation must nominate a supervisor who will mentor you and provide feedback on your performance throughout the internship.
- Work arrangement:
- The internship must be conducted in person but can include a hybrid working arrangement.
- The organisation must ensure that employees are adequately equipped for hybrid and remote work.
- Fully remote (work-from-home) and virtual internships will not be approved.
- Internship hours: The internship needs to be 100 -180 hours in duration and start after it is approved and your enrolled session begins. Any hours completed before that will not be counted.
- Internship dates: Finish your internship and assessment tasks within six months from enrolment.
- Unpaid Internship: If you undertake an unpaid internship (student placement) you must comply with the guidelines set out by the Fair Work Ombudsman. Please refer to the Fair Work website for further guidance.
- Paid internship: Select a period of 100 – 180 hours of your paid internship.
Are you looking for an internship?
- Start by checking out the Business Career Hub, which contains business-specific opportunities and career preparation resources.
- Review this step-by-step guide to the Internship and Graduate Program application process (
- Access one-on-one career guidance from a Peer Career Advisor if you have questions about resumes, interviews, or searching for an internship at UTS Careers.
- Explore overseas internships with UTS Global Short Programs.
Step 3: Internship approval
Complete the below sections in the 26600 Business Internship CareerHub Workflow:
- Your Responsibilities
- Select Organisation
- Your organisation will need to register on CareerHub and be approved to be able to host you as their intern.
- Submit Placement Summary form
- Two-step approval Process:
- Approval by the organisation.
- Approval by the UTS Business Internship Team.
How does your host organisation register?
- The host organisation must register on CareerHub.
- Complete the Workplace Health and Safety Form.
- If the position is unpaid, complete the Internship Agreement Form.
- For more details on UTS Business Internship subject requirements, direct your host to the Host Organisations section.
Step 4: Enrol once your internship is approved
After completing steps 1-3 above, you will receive an email confirming that you are approved to self-enrol in the subject through My Student Admin.
Information for international students: All international students on student visas must ensure that they are compliant with the working conditions attached to your visa. 26600 Business Internship is elective subjects in the Bachelor of Business and the Bachelor of Economics degrees which will count towards your working hours, even if your internship is unpaid. For further information, check your visa details and conditions with the Department of Home Affairs.
WIL to Work is a 3-week online program designed to prepare international students for work experiences, internships, and placements in Australia. We highly recommend that international students complete this program before starting their internship. You can find more details about the program here.
Have any additional questions?
If you have any additional questions, please contact us via
Postgraduate Internship
The 26899 Postgraduate Business Internship (6cp) subject offers you the opportunity to:
- Enhance your experience
- Elevate your skills
- Deepen your learning
- Apply your academic knowledge in a workplace
This subject builds on your professional, business, and ethical decision-making skills, enabling you to deepen and diversify your career experience. Through a practice-oriented approach, it integrates professional development with the opportunity to expand your networks and career prospects. If you have limited work experience, the subject offers a work-integrated learning placement, allowing you to connect practical experience with theoretical and applied learning.
Please check you have an available elective and ensure you have not completed any anti-requisite subjects.
Key Enrolment Dates for 2025
Enrolment close on:
- Monday, 3 February 2025 for the February session
- Monday, 7 April 2025 for the April session
- Monday, 2 June 2025 for the June session
- Monday, 4 August 2025 for the August session
- Tuesday, 7 October 2025 for the October session
- Monday, 1 December 2025 for the December session
To enrol in Postgraduate Business Internship (26899) subject, a student needs to complete a series of pre-enrolment steps.
Step 1: Secure an internship
Check your internship meets the following criteria:
- Learning opportunities: The internship should provide opportunities for learning directly relevant to your course.
- Supervision and mentorship: The host organisation must nominate a supervisor who will mentor you and provide feedback on your performance throughout the internship.
- Work arrangement:
- The internship must be conducted in person but can include a hybrid working arrangement.
- The organisation must ensure that employees are adequately equipped for hybrid and remote work.
- Fully remote (work-from-home) and virtual internships will not be approved.
- Internship hours: The internship needs to be 100 -180 hours in duration and start after it is approved and your enrolled session begins. Any hours completed before that will not be counted.
- Internship dates: Finish your internship and assessment tasks within six months from enrolment.
- Unpaid Internship: If you undertake an unpaid internship (student placement) you must comply with the guidelines set out by the Fair Work Ombudsman. Please refer to the Fair Work website for further guidance.
- Paid internship: Select a period of 100 – 180 hours of your paid internship. If using your current workplace, follow the internship criteria and required enrolment steps. For workplace eligibility, email
Are you looking for an internship?
- Start by checking out the Business Career Hub, which contains business-specific opportunities and career preparation resources.
- Review this step-by-step guide to the Internship and Graduate Program application process (
- Access one-on-one career guidance from a Peer Career Advisor if you have questions about resumes, interviews, or searching for an internship at UTS Careers.
Step 2: Internship approval
Complete the below sections in the Postgraduate Business Internship (26899) CareerHub Workflow.
- Your Responsibilities
- Select Organisation
- Your organisation will need to register on CareerHub and be approved to be able to host you as their intern.
- Submit Placement Summary form
- Two-step approval Process:
- Approval by the organisation
- Approval by the UTS Business Internship Team.
How does your host organisation register?
- The host organisation must register on CareerHub.
- Complete the Workplace Health and Safety Form every 12 months.
- If the position is unpaid, complete the Internship Agreement Form.
- For more details on UTS Business Internship subject requirements, direct your host to the Host Organisations section.
Step 3: Enrol in Postgraduate Business Internship (26899) subject, for your chosen session
- Once you complete steps 1-2 above, you will receive an email confirming that you are approved to self-enrol in the subject, through My Student Admin.
- Enrolment steps must be completed before session commencement.
Information for international students: All international students on student visas must ensure that they are compliant with the working conditions attached to your visa. For further information, check your visa details and conditions with the Department of Home Affairs.
WIL to Work is a 3-week online program designed to prepare international students for work experiences, internships, and placements in Australia. We highly recommend that international students complete this program before starting their internship. You can find more details about the program here.
Have any additional questions?
If you have any additional questions, please contact us via
Postgraduate Management Capstone Internship
The 26799 Internship Experience (12cp) subject is the culminating professional experience of a student’s postgraduate degree. It brings together the key features of a capstone subject and the ability to learn in a professional setting, including through the integration of theory and practice and the extension of prior learning; the use of authentic and contextualised experiences; challenging and complex problems; socialisation into professional roles; autonomous yet collaborative learning and development of professional agency; and through the application of critical inquiry and creativity.
The subject is open to second year graduate students who are eligible to complete their 12CP capstone. 26799 Internship Experience is an anti-requisite for the subject 21890 Industry Research Project. Students who have already completed 27769 Professional Internship for Graduates are not eligible to enrol 26799 Internship Experience.
To undertake this subject, students must first secure an internship of 100 to 180 hours duration with an organisation and then refer to the below information for additional information and requirements to enrol in the subject. Students must not commence the internship until they have officially enrolled in this subject and their internship has been formally approved by the subject coordinator.
The terms and time frame of the internship experience are negotiated between the student and host organisation. The internship must be based on an agreed and approved program of work that aims to achieve pre-determined learning objectives.
Why complete 26799 Internship Experience?
The Internship Experience subject is the culminating professional experience of a student’s postgraduate degree. It brings together the key features of a capstone subject and the ability to learn in a professional setting, including through the integration of theory and practice and the extension of prior learning; the use of authentic and contextualised experiences; challenging and complex problems; socialisation into professional roles; autonomous yet collaborative learning and development of professional agency; and through the application of critical inquiry and creativity.
Who can undertake 26799 Internship Experience?
If you are a postgraduate student who is in the last semester of your degree, you can choose to enrol in the subject, provided you have secured an internship that meets the criteria. Please check your eligibility with your program director and to make sure that the subject is available. Please note that confirming an internship is the student’s responsibility, Please reach out to for tips on how to find an internship.
You must meet the subject’s prerequisites and complete prerequisite tasks to be considered for enrolment. For support with how to complete the enrolment steps, please see the enrolment steps below and then email if you have any questions.
When and how can I enrol in 26799 Internship Experience?
If you are interested in completing an industry internship, we recommend you make plans early in your degree, even if you will enrol in your last session. You can enrol in the subject when you secure an internship and complete the required preparatory tasks (see enrolment steps below). Once you submit the required paperwork and this is assessed, you will receive an email from the Business Internships team confirming your internship is valid and that you can enrol in the subject. Internships can be undertaken throughout the year. Start dates can be flexible, however students should complete all requirements within an enrolled session being the Autumn or Spring semester.
All international students on student visas should ensure that they are compliant with the working hours limitations attached to your visa, for further information on work component hours and visas.
Please ensure you submit your application no later than 7 days prior to the session commencement date.
- Please ensure your internship commences after your enrolled session. Any hours completed prior will not be able to count towards the subject. Only approved internships can be used for the subject.
- You have 12 weeks from the start of your enrolled session to complete the internship and all subject requirements. You do not need to take this entire time to complete the subject and can opt to finish earlier if you are in the position to do so. Please note that as this is a capstone unit you must finalise before you will be eligible to graduate from the course in which you are enrolled.
- To obtain an extension, you must contact before the end of your internship and provide a justification for your request.
Enrolment steps for 26799 Internship Experience
Once you secure an internship, there are three steps students need to complete to enrol in 26799 Internship Experience. Please read these steps carefully.
- Confirm your internship is 100-180 hours and provides you with an opportunity to put theory learnt during your degree into practice.
- Complete the required sections (Charter of Responsibilities, UTS supervisor, Organisation and Placement Summary form) on the CareerHub workflow
- Enrol in 26799 Internship Experience once your placement summary form is approved.
Have any additional questions?
The subject handbook will be published in January each year. In the interim, if you have any questions about how to enrol in 26799, please email
Career Mentoring and Support
Need help finding an internship, resume review or general career advice? See these helpful resources.
Business Hub on CareerHub
Our Business Hub on CareerHub is a dedicated site for business students which contains business-specific opportunities, events and career preparation resources.
Industry Job Board
Not sure where to search for an internship? See our pdf resource industry-specific job boards (pdf, 68kb).
UTS Career Consultation
Book a career consultation to get advice about where and how to search for an internship, resume review, career direction advice, how to pick your major and how to apply for a job.
Business Internships Team
Once you attend a consultation at UTS Careers, you will be able to seek additional support from the UTS Business Internships team.
Support offered includes resume review and business specific mentoring as well as subject enrolment support and supervision.
You can contact us by email:
Career Design and Preparation Programme (CDPP)
The CDPP was released in February 2022 for all undergraduate UTS Business School students. It was designed for students who wish to explore career options relevant to their studies, as well as develop an understanding of transferrable skills required for specific job roles.
Activities and resources provide students with important preparation in the lead up to sourcing and completing an internship or work integrated learning experience. In addition, students can use the resources provided throughout, to build a plan for their future career, in preparation for graduating from their course.
The CDPP can be accessed in your Canvas community site, under modules. If you cannot locate the CDPP, please email
There are seven key topics covered in this program:
- Part 1: Introduction to Work Integrated Learning
- Part 2: Career Design and Decision Making
- Part 3: Job Search Strategies
- Part 4: Writing Job Applications
- Part 5: Interview Skills
- Part 6: Set Learning Goals and Reflect on Experience
- Part 7: Professional Workplace Conduct
Please note: Completion of the CDPP is a prerequisite task for enrolling in 26600 Business Internship
Bachelor of Accounting Internship
The Bachelor of Accounting includes one full year of work experience with our industry partners under the Cooperative Scholarship program, ensuring that you graduate with a wealth of practical skills and knowledge gained with some of the most prestigious companies in Sydney.
Find out more about full-time work training in the Bachelor of Accounting