Despite years of investment in employment initiatives for people with an intellectual disability an enormous gap in employment outcomes remains.
Lead: Dr Kirsty Young, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Duration: 2020-2021
In 2012 the Australian Bureau of Statistics found only 39 per cent of people with intellectual disability were in the workforce, compared to 55 per cent of people with other types of disability and 83 per cent of people without disability.
This research explores the employment experiences of young people with an intellectual disability. The project first draws on the perspectives of the young people (aged 15-25), their families, disability employment service providers and employers to identify the supports and barriers to gaining and maintaining employment. The second phase evaluates the Steps to Employment (STEP) program developed and delivered by Onemda, with a view to maximising its effectiveness and then expanding the program.
What impact will we create?
This project aims to reduce the time lag experienced by students with intellectual disabilities between leaving school and finding and securing ongoing employment. It will develop a unique transition to employment model for teaching and embedding employability skills, with the model to be scalable for broad adoption.
Who are we are working with?
- National Disability Insurance Agency
- The Onemda Association Inc.