The Exchange is a three-year partnership between Carers NSW and the Institute for Public Policy and Governance at UTS. With funding from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice, the Exchange will support improved outcomes for carers and the people they support.
The Exchange will expand upon the work of the Centre for Carer Research (CCR) - whose grant funding concluded on 30 June 2021 - and focus on two interlinked components:
- An accessible digital platform featuring a searchable database containing carer research and other practice-based documents and guidelines
- Knowledge translation and engagement activities including webinars, professional development events, and various community of practice and research group activities.
The Exchange – currently funded until mid-2024 - will perform three core roles to support improved outcomes for carers:
BUILD on the achievements of the CCR and the experience and expertise of the partner organisations to expand carer research and the carer evidence base in NSW.
TRANSLATE the carer evidence base for a range of stakeholders focused on improving carer-focused policy making and practice. These include:
- Academics, researchers and students with expertise and interest in carer-related research
- Policy, advocacy, and service professionals working for government, non-government and private sector organisations delivering services to carers or the people they care for.
- Carers with an interest in understanding and contributing to research, to better support them in their caring and carer advocacy roles.
EXPAND researcher, sector and community awareness and utilisation of the carer evidence base through better access to published research as well as engagement, networking, learning and collaboration opportunities.
What impact will we create?
The Exchange will focus on specific research themes and practice issues at different stages of the Exchange, drawing on the four priority areas outlined in the NSW Carers Strategy: Caring in NSW 2020 – 2030. Key Exchange deliverables are:
- Establishing and maintaining the CARER KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE PLATFORM - a digital platform providing easy access to recent carers research and best practice information, including successful policies, guidelines and other good practice carer resources.
- Facilitating and hosting EDUCATIONAL EVENTS, DISCUSSIONS, AND OTHER COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE ACTIVITIES to translate research into practice; inform and guide future policies, practice and research; and to share knowledge across the different audiences.
Who will we work with?
An Exchange Steering Committee will guide the Exchange over its three years, with membership comprising senior representatives from Carers NSW, Institute for Public Policy and Governance at UTS, NSW Department of Communities and Justice, plus a representative nominated from the Exchange Advisory Groups:
- Carer Advisory Group made up of carers with an interest in and/or experience in research or related fields, including those involved in the work of the Centre of Carer Research
- Research Advisory Group made up of engaged researcher ‘champions’ from a range of universities and disciplines, drawing on existing members of the CCR’s Research Working Group and Community of Practice, and CNSW academic partnerships.
In addition to the extensive in-kind support provided by the two Exchange partner organisations, the Exchange will be resourced through four part-time positions: An Exchange Coordinator, Digital Platform Officer, and a Carer-in-Residence position based at IPPG: UTS, plus a Sector Engagement Officer based at Carers NSW.
For future information, or to register your interest in being notified of Carer Knowledge Exchange activities, please email