Training, Implementation & Evaluation - This project will co-create, implement and evaluate a training course for people with swallowing disability.
Project Lead: Prof Bronwyn Hemsley, Faculty of Health, Speech Pathology
Years: 2020 - 2022
The interdisciplinary team will work collaboratively to co-create a training course for people with swallowing disability, direct supports workers, family members and NDIS service providers on swallowing disorders and mealtime management. The course will support NDIS providers in meeting registration requirements relating to the delivery of safe and enjoyable meals, while also reducing the risk of choking death and improving the nutritional benefits of the meals provided to those with swallowing disorders.
The project is implementing an inclusive, collaborative and user-centred approach to the development and design of training resources, including relevant sector experts and people with lived experiences in both NSW and Victoria. The project includes:
an Interdisciplinary Investigator Team with partners and contacts reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of dysphagia and mealtime management in the field of lifelong disability;
a Learning Design Team to co-create the curriculum structure and detailed learning resources under the Activity; and
a Co-Creation Advisory Panel (Expert Reference Group) to guide all stages of the grant activity project and have creative input into the content of the training.
What impact will we create?
The project will deliver an integrated suite of training modules co-created with people with disability. These resources will be available online from NDIS to support people with disability, direct support workers, family members and NDIS service providers and professionals involved in supporting swallowing disorders through mealtime decisions and mealtime safety.
Who will we work with?
- Professor Simon Darcy, UTS Business School
- Dr Deborah Debono, UTS Faculty of Health, School of Public Health
- People with disability
- NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission)
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
- Deakin University
- The University of Queensland
- Aruma - NSW & Victoria
- Benevolent Society
- Council for Intellectual Disability
- VALID (Kevin Stone)
- Dietitians' Association of Australia
- OT Australia
- the Independent Living Centre NSW Trading as Assistive Technology Australia
- Minda
- Speech Pathology Australia
- Life Without Barriers
- Melba Support Services
- Possability
- Scope Australia
Funding Support
- NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission ($662,000)
- Victoria Department of Families, Fairness and Housing ($180,000)
Network Research Themes
- Health and Wellness
- Inclusion and Social Participation