Low levels of blood alcohol can affect reaction time, immediate and delayed recall, hand steadiness, information processing and visual perception. Heavy drinking can also affect next day neurological performance. The physical and psychological effects of illicit drugs depend on the type of drug used but some common effects may include impaired coordination, affected thinking and memory, increased heart rate, distorted perception, confusion, restlessness, anxiety and panic, decreased reaction time and paranoia. All of these effects can impact on the safety of an individual and others in the vicinity particularly where they may undertake driving activities or operate hazardous or safety critical plant or machinery.
The effects of any drug (including alcohol) will vary from person to person. This will be influenced for example by how much and how quickly the substance(s) are consumed, and whether they are taken in combination with other substances. The effects also depend on the person’s tolerance, mood, age, weight, sex, fatigue and general health status.
Alcohol and/or drug use leading to:
- Impaired coordination
- Affected thinking
- Decreased reaction time
- Anxiety
- Panic
The following control measures can help with managing drug and alcohol use:
- Ensure that all staff are aware of the UTS Policy and Guidance and their legal responsibility to ensure their own H&S and that of others around them
- Ensure all staff, and particularly those undertaking safety critical roles e.g. driving, operating hazardous machinery or plant understand the effects that drugs and alcohol may have on their ability to work safely and that should they be found under the influence then they will be disciplined/prosecuted as appropriate
- Encourage staff that may have a problem with drugs/alcohol to request assistance through the Employee Assistance Program
- Ensure that all staff are aware of the Employee Assistance Program
- Ensure that there is a system in place to report any staff who are suspected of being under the influence of alcohol and drugs and preventing them from undertaking safety critical operations.
- Consider the impact of drugs and alcohol on young workers and display the Young Workers and Mental Health flyer
- Alcohol and illicit drug use during and outside of work hours can have a significant negative impact on workplace health, safety and productivity.
Also see Alcohol